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Associations to the word «Quaver»


QUAVER, noun. A trembling shake.
QUAVER, noun. A trembling of the voice, as in speaking or singing.
QUAVER, noun. (music) an eighth note, drawn as a crotchet (quarter note) with a tail.
QUAVER, verb. To shake in a trembling manner.
QUAVER, verb. (intransitive) to use the voice in a trembling manner, as in speaking or singing.
QUAVER, verb. (transitive) To utter quaveringly.

Dictionary definition

QUAVER, noun. A tremulous sound.
QUAVER, noun. A musical note having the time value of an eighth of a whole note.
QUAVER, verb. Give off unsteady sounds, alternating in amplitude or frequency.
QUAVER, verb. Sing or play with trills, alternating with the half note above or below.

Wise words

In words, as fashions, the same rule will hold; Alike fantastic, if too new, or old: Be not the first by whom the new are tried, Nor yet the last to lay the old aside.
Alexander Pope