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Associations to the word «Paintball»


PAINTBALL, noun. (uncountable) A sport where teams shoot each other with gelatin capsules filled with paint-like dye.
PAINTBALL, noun. (countable) The dye-filled capsule fired in the sport of paintball.
PAINTBALL, verb. To engage in the sport of paintball.
PAINTBALL, verb. To shoot someone using a paintball gun.

Dictionary definition

PAINTBALL, noun. A capsule filled with water-soluble dye used as a projectile in playing the game of paintball.
PAINTBALL, noun. A game that simulates military combat; players on one team try to eliminate players on the opposing team by shooting capsules of paint at them.

Wise words

Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.
Napoleon Hill