Associations to the word «Monument»
- Plaza
- Fountain
- Slab
- Schiller
- Courage
- Mound
- Magnificence
- Replica
- Birthplace
- Vittorio
- Bronze
- Wat
- Graveyard
- Frieze
- Cornerstone
- Mosque
- Capitol
- Landmark
- Restoration
- Inauguration
- Inventory
- Artefact
- Remembrance
- Archaeologist
- Antiquary
- Square
- Navajo
- Courthouse
- Chapel
- Site
- Excavation
- Ruin
- Trafalgar
- Demolition
- Carving
- Memory
- Altar
- Westminster
- Canyon
- Pillar
- Thebes
- Pharaoh
- Relic
- Wooden
- Arch
- Enclosure
- Ref
- Iconography
- Butte
- Tablet
- Abbey
- Marker
- Liberator
- Depicting
- Building
- Medallion
- Subscription
- Louvre
- Dinosaur
- Sandstone
- Architecture
- Sands
- Grandeur
- Archaeology
- Aqueduct
- Identifier
- Pagoda
- Funeral
- Anniversary
- Pantheon
- Quarry
- Pueblo
MONUMENT, noun. A structure built for commemorative or symbolic reasons, or as a memorial; a commemoration.
MONUMENT, noun. An important site owned by the community as a whole.
MONUMENT, noun. An exceptional or proud achievement.
MONUMENT, noun. An important burial vault or tomb.
MONUMENT, noun. A legal document.
MONUMENT, noun. A surveying reference point marked by a permanently fixed marker (a survey monument).
Dictionary definition
MONUMENT, noun. A structure erected to commemorate persons or events.
MONUMENT, noun. An important site that is marked and preserved as public property.
MONUMENT, noun. A burial vault (usually for some famous person).
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