Associations to the word «Leicester»
- Sussex
- Mercury
- Ham
- Holloway
- Arsenal
- Baronet
- Guinness
- Barnet
- Essex
- Yarmouth
- Speedway
- Replay
- Pearson
- Striker
- Codex
- Derbyshire
- Pts
- Blitz
- Clermont
- Darlington
- Rugby
- Dundee
- Elizabeth
- Goalkeeper
- Hodge
- Staffordshire
- Winger
- Pembroke
- Aberdeen
- Burton
- Bury
- Dorchester
- Neill
- Stade
- Sven
- Hemingway
- Covent
- Snooker
- Loan
- Fields
- Mp
- Munster
- City
- Nigel
- Rfc
- Osprey
- Devonshire
- Preston
- Worthington
- Lincoln
- Bassett
- Peerage
- Wigan
- Buckingham
- Bloomfield
- Caretaker
- Athletic
- Simon
- Viscount
- Cheltenham
- Substitute
- Signing
- Trafford
- Goalscorer
- Carlisle
- Salisbury
- England
- Plymouth
- Cecil
- Leinster
- Abbey
- Eaton
- Stafford
- Eyre
- Midfield
- Slough
- Taunton
- Fixture
- Lecturer
- Alderman
- Displeasure
- Royalist
- Scoring
- Defeat
- Glasgow
- Newell
- Domesday
- Rival
LEICESTER, proper noun. A city and the county town of Leicestershire, England
LEICESTER, noun. A sheep of an English breed, valued for its meat and fleece.
Dictionary definition
LEICESTER, noun. A largely agricultural county in central England.
LEICESTER, noun. An industrial city in Leicestershire in central England; built on the site of a Roman settlement.
Wise words
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a
kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to
turn a life around.