Associations to the word «Leach»
- Corrosion
- Dump
- Drip
- Solubility
- Concentrate
- Ellie
- Aluminium
- Accumulation
- Larkin
- Solution
- Drain
- Solvent
- Peat
- Infiltration
- Jesse
- Larsen
- Decomposition
- Cripple
- Pit
- Compound
- Fremantle
- Kimberly
- Clay
- Deposit
- Archie
- Resin
- Anthropologist
- Iron
- Residue
- Precipitation
- Tub
- Mg
- Ellis
- Mining
- Pore
- Weariness
- Stark
- Buddy
- Tonne
- Potts
- Lucie
- Repeal
- Solid
- Penelope
- Archibald
- Ceramics
- Mike
- Ash
- Superfamily
- Erosion
- Carbon
- Santana
- Starch
- Flyer
- Water
- Layer
- Deficiency
- Ravens
- Concentration
- Quarterback
- Robin
- Ph
- Moisture
- Fertility
- Alloy
- Fullback
- Folklore
- Texan
- Synonym
- Canning
- Gambling
- Mint
- Poisoning
- Pesticide
LEACH, noun. A quantity of wood ashes, through which water passes, and thus imbibes the alkali.
LEACH, noun. A tub or vat for leaching ashes, bark, etc.
LEACH, noun. (nautical) Alternative spelling of leech
LEACH, verb. (transitive) To purge a soluble matter out of something by the action of a percolating fluid.
LEACH, verb. (intransitive) To part with soluble constituents by percolation.
LEACH, proper noun. A surname.
Dictionary definition
LEACH, noun. The process of leaching.
LEACH, verb. Cause (a liquid) to leach or percolate.
LEACH, verb. Permeate or penetrate gradually; "the fertilizer leached into the ground".
LEACH, verb. Remove substances from by a percolating liquid; "leach the soil".
Wise words
Words may show a man's wit but actions his meaning.