Associations to the word «Jamestown»
- Williamsburg
- Colonist
- Amour
- Dakota
- Roanoke
- Lucille
- Sioux
- Colony
- Exposition
- Virginia
- Chesapeake
- Frontier
- Colonial
- Progression
- Settler
- Newport
- Plymouth
- Rhode
- Starving
- Salamanca
- Fargo
- Gates
- Settlement
- Burgess
- Steed
- Plantation
- Parkway
- Fifteen
- Hampton
- Bacon
- Erie
- Marietta
- Marlin
- Dubois
- Ri
- Helena
- Mulberry
- Pelt
- Bismarck
- Handler
- Confederacy
- Batavia
- Ferry
- Shipwreck
- Founding
- Grandfather
- Norfolk
- Penn
- Expo
- Cornwallis
- Subsidy
- Ny
- Wharf
- Puritan
- Planter
- Excavation
- Deliverance
- Charter
- Coloni
- Archaeologist
- Tobacco
- Englishmen
- Buffalo
- Bradford
- Colonization
- Trace
- Meg
- Norma
- Smith
- Berkeley
- Adventurer
- Dickinson
- Triangle
- Lafayette
- Commemoration
- Fenton
- Nw
- Starvation
- Bison
- Windmill
JAMESTOWN, proper noun. The capital of the island Saint Helena.
JAMESTOWN, proper noun. A city in Kentucky
JAMESTOWN WEED, noun. Alternative form of jimsonweed
JAMESTOWN WEEDS, noun. Plural of Jamestown weed
Dictionary definition
JAMESTOWN, noun. A former village on the James River in Virginia to the north of Norfolk; site of the first permanent English settlement in America in 1607.
Wise words
A kind word warms a man throughout three winters.