Associations to the word «Go»
GO, proper noun. Abbreviation of Gorontalo, a province of Indonesia.
GO, proper noun. Abbreviation of Goiás, a state of Brazil.
GO, abbreviation. Abbreviation of graphene oxide.
GO, verb. To move:
GO, verb. (obsolete) (intransitive) To walk; to fare on one's feet. [11th-19th c.]
GO, verb. (intransitive) To move through space (especially to or through a place). (May be used of tangible things like people or cars, or intangible things like moods or information.)
GO, verb. (intransitive) To move or travel through time (either literally—in a fictional or hypothetical situation in which time travel is possible—or in one's mind or knowledge of the historical record). (See also go back.)
GO, verb. (intransitive) To navigate (to a file or folder on a computer, a site on the internet, a memory, etc).
GO, verb. (transitive) To move (a particular distance, or in a particular fashion).
GO, verb. (intransitive) To move or travel in order to do something, or to do something while moving.
GO, verb. (intransitive) To leave; to move away.
GO, verb. (intransitive) (chiefly of a machine) To work or function (properly); to move or perform (as required).
GO, verb. (intransitive) To start; to begin (an action or process).
GO, verb. (intransitive) To take a turn, especially in a game.
GO, verb. (intransitive) To attend.
GO, verb. To proceed:
GO, verb. (intransitive) To proceed (often in a specified manner, indicating the perceived quality of an event or state).
GO, verb. (intransitive) (colloquial) (usually with "and" or "to" and then another verb) To proceed (especially to do something foolish).
GO, verb. To follow or travel along (a path):
GO, verb. (transitive) To follow or proceed according to (a course or path).
GO, verb. To travel or pass along.
GO, verb. (intransitive) To extend (from one point in time or space to another).
GO, verb. (intransitive) To lead (to a place); to give access to.
GO, verb. (copula) To become. (The adjective that follows usually describes a negative state.)
GO, verb. To assume the obligation or function of; to be, to serve as.
GO, verb. (intransitive) To continuously or habitually be in a state.
GO, verb. To come to (a certain condition or state).
GO, verb. (intransitive) To change (from one value to another).
GO, verb. To turn out, to result; to come to (a certain result).
GO, verb. (intransitive) To tend (toward a result).
GO, verb. To contribute to a (specified) end product or result.
GO, verb. To pass, to be used up:
GO, verb. (intransitive) (of time) To elapse, to pass; to slip away. (Compare go by.)
GO, verb. (intransitive) To end or disappear. (Compare go away.)
GO, verb. (intransitive) To be spent or used up.
GO, verb. (intransitive) To die.
GO, verb. (intransitive) To be discarded.
GO, verb. (intransitive) (cricket) To be lost or out:
GO, verb. (intransitive) (cricket) (of a wicket) To be lost.
GO, verb. (intransitive) (cricket) (of a batsman) To be out.
GO, verb. To break down or apart:
GO, verb. (intransitive) To collapse or give way, to break apart.
GO, verb. (intransitive) To break down or decay.
GO, verb. (intransitive) To be sold.
GO, verb. (intransitive) To be given, especially to be assigned or allotted.
GO, verb. (transitive) (intransitive) To survive or get by; to last or persist for a stated length of time.
GO, verb. (transitive) (sports) To have a certain record.
GO, verb. To be authoritative, accepted, or valid:
GO, verb. (intransitive) To have (final) authority; to be authoritative.
GO, verb. (intransitive) To be accepted.
GO, verb. (intransitive) To be valid.
GO, verb. To say (something), to make a sound:
GO, verb. (transitive) (slang) To say (something, aloud or to oneself). (Often used in present tense.)
GO, verb. (transitive) To make (a specified sound).
GO, verb. (intransitive) To sound; to make a noise.
GO, verb. To be expressed or composed (a certain way).
GO, verb. (intransitive) To resort (to).
GO, verb. To apply or subject oneself to:
GO, verb. To apply oneself; to undertake; to have as one's goal or intention. (Compare be going to.)
GO, verb. (intransitive) To make an effort, to subject oneself (to something).
GO, verb. (intransitive) To work (through or over), especially mentally.
GO, verb. To fit (in a place, or together with something):
GO, verb. (intransitive) (often followed by a preposition) To fit.
GO, verb. (intransitive) To be compatible, especially of colors or food and drink.
GO, verb. (intransitive) To belong (somewhere).
GO, verb. (intransitive) To date.
GO, verb. To attack:
GO, verb. (intransitive) To fight or attack.
GO, verb. (transitive) (Australian slang) To attack.
GO, verb. To be in general; to be usually.
GO, verb. (transitive) To take (a particular part or share); to participate in to the extent of.
GO, verb. (transitive) To yield or weigh.
GO, verb. (transitive) (intransitive) To offer, bid or bet an amount; to pay.
GO, verb. (transitive) (colloquial) To enjoy. (Compare go for.)
GO, verb. (intransitive) (colloquial) To urinate or defecate.
GO, noun. (uncommon) The act of going.
GO, noun. A turn at something, or in something (e.g. a game).
GO, noun. An attempt, a try.
GO, noun. An approval or permission to do something, or that which has been approved.
GO, noun. An act; the working or operation.
GO, noun. (slang) (dated) A circumstance or occurrence; an incident.
GO, noun. (dated) The fashion or mode.
GO, noun. (dated) Noisy merriment.
GO, noun. (slang) (archaic) A glass of spirits; a quantity of spirits.
GO, noun. Power of going or doing; energy; vitality; perseverance.
GO, noun. (cribbage) The situation where a player cannot play a card which will not carry the aggregate count above thirty-one.
GO, noun. A period of activity.
GO, noun. (board game) A strategic board game, originally from China, in which two players (black and white) attempt to control the largest area of the board with their counters.
GO, proper noun. An ancient Chinese board game, played with 181 black stones and 180 white ones, typically on a board of 19 × 19 squares.
GO, proper noun. (computing) A compiled, garbage-collected, concurrent programming language developed by Google.
GO A BUNDLE ON, verb. (slang) to be extremely fond of
GO A LONG WAY, verb. (idiomatic) To be adequate or helpful for a significant amount of time.
GO A LONG WAY, verb. (idiomatic) To achieve considerable success.
GO A-BEGGING, verb. (idiomatic) To be wasted.
GO ABOUT, verb. (intransitive) To busy oneself with.
GO ABOUT, verb. (intransitive) To tackle (a problem or task).
GO ABOUT, verb. (intransitive) To circulate (in).
GO ABOUT, verb. (intransitive) (of a sailing ship) To change from one tack to another.
GO AFTER, verb. To pursue in attempt to catch another.
GO AFTER, verb. To pursue an object or a goal.
GO AGAINST, verb. To violate; to breach; to break.
GO AGAINST, verb. To be unfavourable to someone.
GO AGAINST, verb. To be contrary to a trend, feeling or principle.
GO AGAINST, verb. To oppose; to resist
GO AGAINST THE GRAIN, verb. (idiomatic) To defy convention; to do something in a manner that is unusual or out of the ordinary.
GO AHEAD, verb. (idiomatic) To proceed; to begin.
GO ALL OUT, verb. (idiomatic) To reserve nothing; to put forth all possible effort or resources.
GO ALL THE WAY, verb. (intransitive) (literally) To travel the entire distance to one's intended destination.
GO ALL THE WAY, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) To continue to the conclusion of a task or project.
GO ALL THE WAY, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) (colloquial) To have sexual intercourse.
GO ALONG, verb. To participate, cooperate, or conform.
GO ALONG FOR THE RIDE, verb. (idiomatic) To accompany someone in a passive manner, or to take a relatively passive or detached role in a project or group activity.
GO ALONG TO GET ALONG, verb. (idiomatic) To conform in order to have acceptance and security.
GO ALONG WAY, verb. Misspelling of go a long way.
GO ALONG WITH, verb. (idiomatic) to comply with something, even if reluctantly; to accept or tolerate.
GO ALONG WITH THE GAG, verb. (idiomatic) To cooperate in continuing a joke, hoax, or similar phenomenon initiated by others.
GO APE, verb. To become wildly excited or enthusiastic.
GO APESHIT, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) To behave in an extreme manner; to act without restraint, especially by becoming explosively angry.
GO AROUND, verb. To move or spread from person to person.
GO AROUND, verb. To share with everyone.
GO AROUND, verb. (aviation) to perform a go-around maneuver
GO AROUND IN CIRCLES, verb. Alternative form of go round in circles
GO AWAY, interjection. (dismissal) Command asking someone to leave one alone.
GO AWAY, verb. To depart or leave a place.
GO AWAY, verb. To travel somewhere, especially on holiday or vacation.
GO AWAY, verb. To become invisible, vanish or disappear.
GO AWRY, verb. (intransitive) to become twisted, or turned to one side
GO AWRY, verb. (intransitive) to depart from the correct course
GO AWRY, verb. Of a situation, to fall apart or unravel; to fall into disorder.
GO BACK, verb. (intransitive) To return to a place after having been there at a previous time.
GO BACK, verb. (intransitive) (of two or more persons) To have known each other for a certain length of time.
GO BACK, verb. (intransitive) (used with "on") To abandon, desert, betray or fail someone or something.
GO BACK ON, verb. (transitive) To be treacherous or faithless to; betray.
GO BACK ON, verb. (transitive) To fail to keep; to renege on.
GO BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD, verb. (idiomatic) To start again; to scrap a previous idea or plan and try again from the beginning.
GO BAD, verb. Of foods and commodities, to spoil, rot, or otherwise become unusable due to age or storage conditions.
GO BAD, verb. Of a person or entity, to cease to be reputable and instead become delinquent, criminal, or poorly behaved.
GO BAD, verb. Of a geographic area, to become unsafe.
GO BALLISTIC, verb. (idiomatic) To become very angry and irrational.
GO BANANAS, verb. (idiomatic) To go mad.
GO BANKRUPT, verb. (intransitive) To become bankrupt.
GO BATSHIT, verb. (idiomatic) (slang) To become completely irrational; to react in an irrationally extreme manner.
GO BEGGING, verb. (idiomatic) To be available but wasted, unused, or not actualized.
GO BELLY-UP, verb. (idiomatic) To die.
GO BELLY-UP, verb. (idiomatic) To fail or fold; especially, to close or shut down a business; to go out of business.
GO BIG OR GO HOME, verb. To act boldly, often by adopting a high-risk, high-reward strategy.
GO BITCHCAKES, verb. (slang) (vulgar) To go crazy; to get extremely angry; to flip out.
GO BLUE, verb. (idiomatic) (US politics) Of states, counties, and Congress seats, to be carried by a Democratic candidate in a given U.S. election.
GO BONKERS, verb. (informal) To lose one's sanity.
GO BONKERS, verb. (informal) To have a good time.
GO BOTH WAYS, verb. (informal) To be bisexual.
GO BY, verb. (idiomatic) To pass or go past without much interaction
GO BY, verb. (idiomatic) To be called, to use as a name.
GO BY, verb. To follow; to assume as true for the purposes of making a decision, taking an action, etc.
GO BY THE BOARD, verb. (idiomatic) (nautical) To fall or to go overboard; to be cast over the side of a ship.
GO BY THE BOARD, verb. (idiomatic) To be superseded, rejected, or obliterated; to pass by with little consequence; to amount to nothing.
GO BY THE WAYSIDE, verb. (idiomatic) To become obsolete or outmoded.
GO BYE-BYE, verb. (childish) to leave; to be or go away
GO CHASE YOURSELF, interjection. (dated) go away (and stop bothering me)
GO COMMANDO, verb. (idiomatic) (intransitive) To forgo wearing underpants.
GO CRAZY, verb. To suddenly behave irrationally; to go mad.
GO DARK, verb. To cease operations, to close.
GO DARK, verb. To cease communications.
GO DEEP, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) To be a remarkable characteristic of a person or thing.
GO DOWN, verb. (transitive) To descend; to move from a higher place to a lower one.
GO DOWN, verb. (intransitive) To decrease; to change from a greater value to a lesser one.
GO DOWN, verb. (intransitive) To fall (down), fall to the floor.
GO DOWN, verb. (computing) (engineering) To stop functioning, to go offline.
GO DOWN, verb. (intransitive) To be received or accepted.
GO DOWN, verb. (intransitive) To be recorded or remembered (as).
GO DOWN, verb. (idiomatic) To perform oral sex.
GO DOWN, verb. (slang) To take place, happen.
GO DOWN, verb. (intransitive) (of a heavenly body) To disappear below the horizon of a plane; to set.
GO DOWN LIKE A LEAD BALLOON, verb. (simile) To be received negatively by others.
GO DOWN ON, verb. (idiomatic) (euphemistic) (colloquial) To perform oral sex upon (either sex).
GO DOWN THAT ROAD, verb. (idiomatic) To settle a way of doing something; do decide to do something in a particular way.
GO DOWN THE PAN, verb. (idiomatic) (British) To fail or degenerate rapidly.
GO DOWN THE ROAD, verb. (idiomatic) To employ a way of doing something; to do something in a particular way.
GO DOWN THE TOILET, verb. (idiomatic) To fail.
GO DOWN THE TUBES, verb. (idiomatic) (US) To fail or degenerate rapidly.
GO DOWN THE WRONG WAY, verb. (idiomatic) (of food or drink) To go down the trachea (windpipe) in one's throat instead of the esophagus (the tube in the throat for swallowed food and fluids), typically resulting in coughing or choking.
GO DOWN THE WRONG WAY, verb. (literally) To travel in or on an incorrect or unusual direction or path.
GO DOWNHILL, verb. (idiomatic) To worsen or degenerate.
GO DOWNTOWN, verb. (idiomatic) (slang) to perform oral sex
GO DUTCH, verb. (idiomatic) To pay for one's own food and bills, or split the cost, when eating at a restaurant or going out for entertainment.
GO FANTEE, verb. To go native; to adopt the habits etc. of native people.
GO FAR, verb. (idiom) (intransitive) To attain success, especially from humble origins.
GO FASTER STRIPES, noun. Alternative spelling of go-faster stripes
GO FEVER, noun. (slang) An urge to commence a planned journey regardless of circumstances.
GO FEVERS, noun. Plural of go fever
GO FISH, proper noun. (card games) A children's card game in which players ask each other for cards of a particular rank, requiring them to "fish" in a pool of additional cards if they do not have the requested card.
GO FLY A KITE, verb. (idiomatic) To go away; get lost; leave. (Typically imperative.)
GO FOR, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see go, for.
GO FOR, verb. (transitive) To try for, to attempt to reach.
GO FOR, verb. (transitive) To undertake (an action).
GO FOR, verb. (transitive) To attack.
GO FOR, verb. (transitive) To develop a strong interest in, especially in a sudden manner; to be infatuated with.
GO FOR, verb. To favor, accept.
GO FOR, verb. (transitive) To apply equally to.
GO FOR A BURTON, verb. (British) (of a person) To be killed
GO FOR A BURTON, verb. (British) (of a person or object) to be lost, spoiled or destroyed.
GO FOR A ROLL IN THE HAY, verb. (idiomatic) (euphemistic) To have sex.
GO FOR A SONG, verb. (idiomatic) To be sold at a very low price.
GO FOR BROKE, verb. To wager everything.
GO FOR BROKE, verb. (idiomatic) To try everything possible or do last thing possible in a final attempt.
GO FOR IT, verb. (idiomatic) To put maximum effort into achieving something.
GO FOR IT, verb. To decide to do something; especially after a period of hesitation.
GO FOR THE GOLD, verb. (idiomatic) To attempt to achieve the maximum reward or result in an endeavor.
GO FOR THE GOLD RING, verb. Alternative form of go for the gold
GO FOR THE JUGULAR, verb. (idiomatic) To exert an unrestrained, aggressive effort, especially by assailing an opponent's or victim's area of greatest vulnerability.
GO FOR THE THROAT, verb. (idiomatic) To exert an unrestrained, aggressive effort, especially by assailing an opponent's or victim's area of greatest vulnerability.
GO FORTH, verb. To depart from a place.
GO FORTH, verb. To be divulged or made generally known; to emanate.
GO FROM BAD TO WORSE, verb. (of a bad situation) to become even worse
GO FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH, verb. (British) (idiomatic) To continue to get stronger
GO FROM ZERO TO HERO, verb. (idiomatic) To change from negative outcome to positive outcome. To improve one's fortunes significantly.
GO FROM ZERO TO HERO, verb. (idiomatic) To become very popular after being unpopular.
GO FUCK YOURSELF, interjection. (offensive) (markedly vulgar) A variant of fuck you!
GO GAGA OVER, verb. (informal) To receive positively or react to with enthusiasm, especially to an excessive degree.
GO GALT, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) To become a recluse and stop contributing to one's society, especially in the form of taxes by reducing one's productivity or work or by refusing to follow societal norms that one believes to be unjust.
GO GOLD, verb. (of software) To be released to manufacturing in its final form, so that copies can be made and shipped.
GO GREAT GUNS, verb. (idiomatic) To perform particularly well; to be particularly successful.
GO GREAT GUNS, verb. (idiomatic) To move or proceed very quickly.
GO HALFSIES, verb. (hypocoristic) (idiomatic) To share something by splitting it in half.
GO HALVES, verb. (idiomatic) To divide equally between two parties.
GO HAM, verb. (slang) To rage; to rampage.
GO HAND IN HAND, verb. (idiomatic) Of two things, to be closely related or to go together well; see hand in hand.
GO HAND IN HAND, verb. (literally) Of two people, to hold hands.
GO HANG, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) To be cursed; to be unworthy of notice or bother.
GO HOME, verb. To return to one's house.
GO HOME, verb. (euphemistic) To die.
GO HOME, verb. (euphemistic) To be eliminated in a competition.
GO HUNGRY, verb. To miss a meal.
GO HUNTING WHERE THE DUCKS ARE, verb. Alternative form of hunt where the ducks are
GO IN, verb. To enter
GO IN CIRCLES, verb. Alternative form of go round in circles
GO IN FOR, verb. To enter a competition.
GO IN FOR, verb. (colloquial) To have an interest in or approve of something.
GO IN FOR, verb. (colloquial) To engage oneself or take part in something.
GO IN OFF, verb. (snooker) (pool) To pot the cue ball accidentally after hitting the object ball.
GO IN ONE EAR AND OUT THE OTHER, verb. (idiomatic) Said of something that is heard but not attended to; (someone) failed to pay attention
GO IN THE OUT DOOR, verb. (idiomatic) (slang) To engage in anal sex
GO IN WITH, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) To commit to something with; to partner with.
GO INTO, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see go into; to enter.
GO INTO, verb. To get involved in.
GO INTO ONE'S SHELLS, verb. (idiomatic) To act defensively.
GO IT, verb. To behave in a wild, uproarious manner; to carry on.
GO IT, verb. To proceed; to make progress.
GO IT ALONE, verb. (idiomatic) To do something alone or independently, especially something that is normally or better done in groups.
GO IT ALONE, verb. (card games) To play a hand without the assistance of one's partner.
GO IT BLIND, verb. (slang) To act in a rash, reckless, or headlong manner.
GO IT BLIND, verb. (card games) To bet without having examined the cards.
GO KAFLOOEY, verb. To turn out wrong; to cease to function or exist.
GO LARGE, verb. (nautical) To have the wind at such an angle to the sail that the vessel gains its highest speed.
GO LARGE, verb. (idiomatic) To enjoy oneself to the maximum.
GO LARGE, verb. To supersize.
GO MAD, verb. (intransitive) To become insane.
GO MAD, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) (followed by "and" and a second verb) Used to indicate that the second verb represents an action that is out of character.
GO MAD, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) (usually as a past participle and preceded by a noun) To reach an excessive or ridiculous level.
GO MISSING, verb. To disappear.
GO MOGGY, verb. (chiefly South Africa) (Zimbabwe) (idiomatic) (colloquial) To go without restraint; to go wild; to be adventurous.
GO MOGGY, verb. (chiefly South Africa) (Zimbabwe) (idiomatic) (colloquial) To go crazy; to be somewhat delirious.
GO MOGGY, verb. (chiefly South Africa) (Zimbabwe) (idiomatic) (colloquial) (usually in the past tense, as in "gone moggy") To break something or to cause something to become disorganized or dysfunctional.
GO NARROW, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see go, narrow.
GO NARROW, verb. To focus on one thing, person, topic or aspect of a situation.
GO NARROW, verb. (of a price) To change infrequently.
GO NARROW, verb. (photography) To use a narrow-angle lens to take one or more photographs.
GO NATIVE, verb. (idiomatic) To adopt the lifestyle or outlook of local inhabitants, especially when dwelling in a colonial region; to become less refined under the influence of a less cultured, more primitive, or simpler social environment.
GO NATIVE, verb. (idiomatic) Of a contractor or consultant, to begin working directly as an employee for a company and cease to work through a contracting firm or agency.
GO NOWHERE, verb. (idiomatic) To fail to progress.
GO NUMBER ONE, verb. (childish euphemistic) To urinate.
GO NUTS, verb. (informal) To become mad.
GO NUTS, verb. (in the imperative) Go ahead; feel free.
GO OFF, verb. (intransitive) To explode.
GO OFF, verb. (intransitive) To fire, especially accidentally.
GO OFF, verb. (intransitive) To explode metaphorically; to become very angry.
GO OFF, verb. (intransitive) To begin clanging or making noise.
GO OFF, verb. (intransitive) To depart; to leave.
GO OFF, verb. (intransitive) (UK) (Australia) To putrefy or become inedible, or to become unusable in any way.
GO OFF, verb. (transitive) To like less.
GO OFF, verb. To pass off; to take place; to be accomplished.
GO OFF AT SCORE, verb. (idiomatic) Of a horse, to break suddenly into a gallop; of a person, suddenly to say or do something impetuous.
GO OFF HALF-COCKED, verb. (idiomatic) (colloquial): To take a premature or ill-considered action.
GO OFF HALFCOCKED, verb. (of a firearm) To be discharged prematurely, or with the trigger at half cock.
GO OFF HALFCOCKED, verb. (slang) To do or say something without due thought or care.
GO OFF ON ONE, verb. (British) (colloquial) To launch into an animated diatribe, or passionate description or explanation of something.
GO OFF THE BOIL, verb. (UK) (Australia) Cease to boil when heat is no longer applied.
GO OFF THE BOIL, verb. (idiomatic) (UK) (Australia) To lose interest; to pall.
GO OFF THE BOIL, verb. (idiomatic) (UK) (Australia) To become of diminished intensity or urgency.
GO OFF THE BOIL, verb. (idiomatic) (UK) (Australia) To become less successful.
GO OFF THE RESERVATION, verb. (literally) To leave a reservation to which one was restricted.
GO OFF THE RESERVATION, verb. (US) (politics) To break with one's party or group, usually temporarily.
GO OFF THE RESERVATION, verb. (by extension) To engage in disruptive activity outside normal bounds.
GO ON, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see go, on.
GO ON, verb. To continue in extent.
GO ON, verb. To continue an action.
GO ON, verb. To proceed.
GO ON, verb. To talk about a subject frequently or at great length.
GO ON, verb. To use and adopt (information) in order to understand an issue, make a decision, etc.
GO ON, verb. To happen (occur).
GO ON, interjection. Expresses surprise, disbelief or incredulity.
GO ONE'S WAY, verb. To set forth; to depart.
GO OUT, verb. (intransitive) To leave, especially a building.
GO OUT, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) To leave one's abode to go to public places.
GO OUT, verb. (intransitive) To be eliminated from a competition.
GO OUT, verb. (intransitive) To be turned off or extinguished.
GO OUT, verb. (intransitive) To become extinct, to expire.
GO OUT, verb. (intransitive) (card games) To discard or meld all the cards in one's hand.
GO OUT, verb. (intransitive) To become out of fashion.
GO OUT, verb. (intransitive) (of a couple) To have a romantic relationship, one that involves going out together on dates.
GO OUT, verb. (transitive) (with with) To have a romantic relationship with someone.
GO OUT, verb. (colloquial) To fail.
GO OUT LIKE A LIGHT, verb. (simile) To fall asleep quickly.
GO OUT OF ONE'S WAY, verb. (idiomatic) To make an extra effort.
GO OUT ON A LIMB, verb. (idiomatic) To take a risk.
GO OUT ON A LIMB, verb. To hazard a guess
GO OUT WITH A BANG, verb. (idiomatic) To depart from a place or situation in a grand or dramatic fashion.
GO OVER, verb. (idiomatic) To look at carefully; to scrutinize; to analyze.
GO OVER, verb. (idiomatic) To create a response or impression.
GO OVER, verb. (rugby) To score a try
GO OVER LIKE A LEAD BALLOON, verb. To fail to gain acceptance: to be received poorly.
GO OVER SOMEONE'S HEAD, verb. (idiomatic) To take up an issue with another person's boss or other superior rather than beginning or continuing to deal with the original person.
GO OVER SOMEONE'S HEAD, verb. (idiomatic) To escape someone's comprehension.
GO OVERBOARD, verb. To fall out of a vessel.
GO OVERBOARD, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) To go too far, be excessive.
GO PEAR SHAPED, verb. Alternative spelling of go pear-shaped
GO PEAR-SHAPED, verb. (British) (NZ) To go wrong; to go awry.
GO PEARSHAPED, verb. Alternative spelling of go pear-shaped
GO PETE TONG, verb. (Cockney rhyming slang) To go wrong.
GO PILL, noun. (informal) An amphetamine tablet.
GO PILLS, noun. Plural of go pill
GO PLACES, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) To make progress or achieve success.
GO PLATINUM, verb. (intransitive) (of an LP or CD) To sell some specified number of copies (currently 1 million in the US) and be awarded a platinum record.
GO POOF, verb. (informal) to disappear
GO POSTAL, verb. (intransitive) (chiefly US) (informal) To behave in a hysterical, angry or irrational manner.
GO POTTY, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see potty. To go crazy or mad.
GO POTTY, verb. (childish) To use the potty; to defecate.
GO PUBLIC, verb. (idiomatic) (intransitive) Make public, announce publicly or to the press.
GO RED, verb. (idiomatic) To blush.
GO RED, verb. (idiomatic) To become sunburnt.
GO RED, verb. (idiomatic) (US politics) Of states, counties, or Congress seats, to be carried by a Republican candidate in a given U.S. election.
GO ROUND, verb. To physically swirl or rotate.
GO ROUND, verb. To rotate
GO ROUND, verb. To pass, go to the other side of something
GO ROUND, verb. To go to another person's home.
GO ROUND, verb. To be sufficient, be enough
GO ROUND IN CIRCLES, verb. (idiomatic) To repeatedly do the same thing without making any progress.
GO SNAKE, verb. (idiomatic) To approach, attack or accost a person, situation or environment in an extremely violent and unrestrained manner, often with no thought about consequences.
GO SO FAR AS, verb. (idiomatic) To do something in an extreme fashion; to reach an unexpected extent in doing something.
GO SOUTH, verb. (idiomatic) To become unfavorable; to decrease; to take a turn for the worse.
GO SPARE, verb. To be available or unused.
GO SPARE, verb. (UK) (informal) To become angry, to lose one's temper
GO SPARE, verb. To become frustrated or distressed.
GO SPARE, verb. (archaic) To be unemployed.
GO STEADY, verb. (intransitive) (dated) To date one person regularly and exclusively.
GO STRAIGHT, verb. (idiomatic) To discontinue engaging in criminal acts; to become a law-abiding person.
GO THE DISTANCE, verb. (boxing) To participate in a boxing match for its maximum number of rounds.
GO THE DISTANCE, verb. (idiomatic) (by extension) To have the endurance to see a difficult, sustained challenge to its natural end without faltering.
GO THE EXTRA MILE, verb. (idiomatic) To make an extra effort; to do a particularly good job.
GO THE WAY OF, verb. (idiomatic) To end up the same way as. To receive the same fate as.
GO THE WAY OF ALL FLESH, verb. (euphemistic) To die; to follow a course leading to death or extinction.
GO THE WAY OF THE DINOSAURS, verb. (idiomatic) to go extinct or become obsolete; to fall out of common use or practice; to go off the firsthand market; to become a thing of the past
GO THE WAY OF THE DODO, verb. (idiomatic) to go extinct or become obsolete; to fall out of common use or practice; to go out of the firsthand market; to become a thing of the past
GO THE WHOLE HOG, verb. (idiomatic) To do something as entirely or completely as possible; to reserve or hold back nothing.
GO THERE, verb. To discuss a specified subject.
GO THROUGH, verb. (literally) To travel from one end of something to the other.
GO THROUGH, verb. (obsolete) To execute or carry out.
GO THROUGH, verb. To examine or scrutinize (a number or series of things), especially in a regular order.
GO THROUGH, verb. To enact or recite the entire length of (something).
GO THROUGH, verb. To undergo, suffer, experience.
GO THROUGH, verb. To wear out (clothing etc.).
GO THROUGH, verb. To progress to the next stage of something.
GO THROUGH, verb. To reach an intended destination after passing through some process.
GO THROUGH HELL, verb. (idiomatic) To have a miserable experience.
GO THROUGH THE MILL, verb. (idiomatic) to experience the suffering or discipline necessary to bring one to a certain degree of knowledge or skill, or to a certain mental state
GO THROUGH THE MOTIONS, verb. (idiomatic) To do something in a mechanical, unreflective manner, especially as a matter of routine and without commitment or enthusiasm; to perform a task perfunctorily.
GO THROUGH WITH, verb. (idiomatic) To carry out something planned or promised; to proceed with or continue with.
GO TO, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see go, to.
GO TO, verb. To attend an event or a sight.
GO TO, verb. To tend to support.
GO TO, verb. (intransitive) (obsolete) To get to work; (imperatively) come on.
GO TO, verb. (intransitive) (archaic) Used imperatively to express protest or surprise; "come, now!".
GO TO, noun. (computing) The branching construct GOTO.
GO TO BED, verb. To lie down to sleep, to put oneself in one's bed
GO TO BED WITH, verb. (euphemistic) To have sex with someone.
GO TO BLAZES, verb. (euphemistic) (dated) go to hell.
GO TO CANOSSA, verb. (idiomatic) To submit to the pope.
GO TO EXTRAORDINARY LENGTHS, verb. To make a great effort.
GO TO GREAT LENGTHS, verb. (idiomatic) To make a major effort; to be very careful when doing something, especially to an extreme or excessive degree.
GO TO GROUND, verb. (intransitive) (especially of an animal) To escape into a burrow, hole, etc. when being hunted.
GO TO GROUND, verb. (idiomatic) (by extension) To hide from public view or sequester oneself, especially when authorities, members of the news media, or others are looking for one.
GO TO HALIFAX, verb. Go to hell
GO TO HELL, verb. Go "out the window", to be ruined, now useless.
GO TO HELL, verb. Literally, go to Hell.
GO TO HELL, verb. (in imperative) Expression of anger directed at someone in contempt, especially after that individual had done something very wrong.
GO TO POT, verb. (idiomatic) To decline or deteriorate.
GO TO POT, verb. (idiomatic) To come to a bad end.
GO TO PUTNEY ON A PIG, verb. (archaic) (slang) (euphemistic) minced oath for go to hell
GO TO PUTNEY ON A PIG, verb. Used less aggressively as 'go on with you'
GO TO SEA, verb. (idiom) To become a sailor
GO TO SEED, verb. (of a plant) To pass from flowering or ripening to the formation of seeds.
GO TO SEED, verb. (figuratively) (by extension) To deteriorate; to decline into an unkempt or debased condition.
GO TO SHIT, verb. (slang) (vulgar) To completely fail; to have no result.
GO TO SHIT, verb. (slang) (vulgar) To become much worse.
GO TO SLEEP, interjection. (idiomatic) An expression used to dismiss an extremely foolish statement, or to dismiss somebody that one does not feel like talking to.
GO TO SLEEP, verb. To fall asleep
GO TO SOMEONE'S HEAD, verb. (idiomatic) To strongly affect a person, especially to the detriment of his or her senses or mental faculties.
GO TO THE BATHROOM, verb. (euphemistic) (chiefly US) to go to the toilet
GO TO THE DOGS, verb. (idiomatic) (informal) To decline or deteriorate.
GO TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH, verb. (idiomatic) To do everything possible to achieve something.
GO TO THE MAT, verb. (chiefly US) (idiomatic) To continue to struggle or fight until either victorious or defeated.
GO TO THE MATTRESSES, verb. (idiomatic) To go to war; to use ruthless tactics; to act without restraint.
GO TO THE POLLS, verb. (idiomatic) To vote.
GO TO THE RESTROOM, verb. (euphemistic) to urinate or defecate
GO TO THE TOILET, verb. (euphemistic) to urinate or defecate
GO TO THE WALL, verb. (idiomatic) To make an all-out effort.
GO TO THE WALL, verb. (idiomatic) To fail, to run out of options. (especially of a business)
GO TO THE WALL, verb. To be put aside or forgotten.
GO TO THE WALL, verb. To take an extreme and determined position or measure
GO TO THE WASHROOM, verb. (euphemistic) to urinate or defecate
GO TO TOWN, verb. (idiomatic) To proceed enthusiastically, vigorously, or expertly.
GO TO WAR, verb. (intransitive) To enter into an armed conflict with another nation
GO TO WORK, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see go, to, work.
GO TO WORK, verb. To begin performing some task or work.
GO TO WORK, verb. To go to one's job, as by commuting.
GO TO WORK, verb. (idiomatic) To beat up, to batter.
GO TOGETHER, verb. (idiomatic) Of two people, to be in a relationship
GO TOGETHER, verb. (literally) Of two people, to accompany each other (e.g. to an event).
GO TOGETHER, verb. (idiomatic) Of two or more things, to correspond or fit well
GO TOGETHER, verb. (idiomatic) To be inseparable; to go hand in hand.
GO TOO FAR, verb. (idiomatic) To exceed an unstated limit, especially a limit of acceptable behaviour
GO TOS, noun. Plural of go to
GO UNDER, verb. To descend into a body of water; to founder.
GO UNDER, verb. (idiomatic) To collapse or fail, e.g. by going bankrupt.
GO UNDER, verb. (idiomatic) To be named; to call oneself.
GO UNDER, verb. To enter a state of hypnosis.
GO UNDERGROUND, verb. (intransitive) (especially of an animal) To escape into a burrow, hole, etc. when being hunted.
GO UNDERGROUND, verb. (idiomatic) (by extension) To hide from public view or sequester oneself, especially when authorities, members of the news media, or others are looking for one.
GO UP, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see go, up.
GO UP, verb. (intransitive) To be built or erected
GO UP, verb. (intransitive) To rise or increase in price, cost, or value.
GO UP, verb. (intransitive) To be consumed by fire.
GO UP, verb. (intransitive) (performing arts) To forget lines or blocks during public performance.
GO UP, verb. (intransitive) (British) To attend university.
GO UP AGAINST, verb. To challenge someone.
GO UP FOR, verb. Used other than as an idiom.
GO UP FOR, verb. (cricket) (informal) Of the fielding side, to appeal for the batsman or batswoman to be out.
GO UP IN SMOKE, verb. To catch fire and burn
GO UP IN SMOKE, verb. (idiomatic) (by extension) To be completely ruined
GO UPSTAIRS, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see go, upstairs.
GO UPSTAIRS, verb. (cricket) (of an umpire) To request a decision by the third umpire (traditionally by making a sign of a TV set with the hands)
GO WEST, verb. (idiomatic) to die; to become destroyed
GO WIDE, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see go, wide.
GO WIDE, verb. (photography) To use a wide-angle lense to take one or more photographs.
GO WIDE, verb. (of a price) To change frequently.
GO WIDE, verb. To spread one's attention from a narrow focus to a more diverse one.
GO WILD, verb. (idiomatic) (in the imperative) Go ahead; do as you please used to grant permission for or to give endorsement of a suggestion or proposal, especially when the speaker is not interested in the outcome of the proposal.
GO WINCHESTER, verb. (military aviation) To run out of ammunition, requiring return to base.
GO WITH, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see go, with.
GO WITH, verb. (idiomatic) (transitive) To choose or accept (a suggestion)
GO WITH, verb. (idiomatic) (transitive) To date, to be involved romantically with (someone)
GO WITH, verb. (idiomatic) (transitive) To have sexual relations with (someone)
GO WITH, verb. (transitive) To correspond or fit well with, to match.
GO WITH, verb. (obsolete) (transitive) To be pregnant with (a child).
GO WITH SOMEONE, verb. To date someone regularly and exclusively
GO WITH SOMEONE, verb. To accompany someone to a given place
GO WITH THE FLOW, verb. (idiomatic) To act as others are acting, conforming to common behavior patterns with an attitude of calm acceptance.
GO WITH THE TERRITORY, verb. Alternative form of come with the territory
GO WITHOUT, verb. (idiomatic) Be deprived of.
GO WITHOUT SAYING, verb. (idiomatic) To be obvious, apparent or clear, or already established.
GO WONDER, interjection. Expression of amusement over apparently unexpected but predictable result.
GO WRONG, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) To fail or go amiss; to have a bad outcome.
GO WRONG, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) To malfunction.
GO WRONG, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) to become depraved
GO YARD, verb. (baseball) (slang) To hit a home run.
Dictionary definition
GO, noun. A time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else); "it's my go"; "a spell of work".
GO, noun. Street names for methylenedioxymethamphetamine.
GO, noun. A usually brief attempt; "he took a crack at it"; "I gave it a whirl".
GO, noun. A board game for two players who place counters on a grid; the object is to surround and so capture the opponent's counters.
GO, verb. Change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast".
GO, verb. Follow a procedure or take a course; "We should go farther in this matter"; "She went through a lot of trouble"; "go about the world in a certain manner"; "Messages must go through diplomatic channels".
GO, verb. Move away from a place into another direction; "Go away before I start to cry"; "The train departs at noon".
GO, verb. Enter or assume a certain state or condition; "He became annoyed when he heard the bad news"; "It must be getting more serious"; "her face went red with anger"; "She went into ecstasy"; "Get going!".
GO, verb. Be awarded; be allotted; "The first prize goes to Mary"; "Her money went on clothes".
GO, verb. Have a particular form; "the story or argument runs as follows"; "as the saying goes...".
GO, verb. Stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point; "Service runs all the way to Cranbury"; "His knowledge doesn't go very far"; "My memory extends back to my fourth year of life"; "The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets".
GO, verb. Follow a certain course; "The inauguration went well"; "how did your interview go?".
GO, verb. Be abolished or discarded; "These ugly billboards have to go!"; "These luxuries all had to go under the Khmer Rouge".
GO, verb. Be or continue to be in a certain condition; "The children went hungry that day".
GO, verb. Make a certain noise or sound; "She went `Mmmmm'"; "The gun went `bang'".
GO, verb. Perform as expected when applied; "The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in"; "Does this old car still run well?"; "This old radio doesn't work anymore".
GO, verb. To be spent or finished; "The money had gone after a few days"; "Gas is running low at the gas stations in the Midwest".
GO, verb. Progress by being changed; "The speech has to go through several more drafts"; "run through your presentation before the meeting".
GO, verb. Continue to live through hardship or adversity; "We went without water and food for 3 days"; "These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America"; "The race car driver lived through several very serious accidents"; "how long can a person last without food and water?".
GO, verb. Pass, fare, or elapse; of a certain state of affairs or action; "How is it going?"; "The day went well until I got your call".
GO, verb. Pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life; "She died from cancer"; "The children perished in the fire"; "The patient went peacefully"; "The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102".
GO, verb. Be in the right place or situation; "Where do these books belong?"; "Let's put health care where it belongs--under the control of the government"; "Where do these books go?".
GO, verb. Be ranked or compare; "This violinist is as good as Juilliard-trained violinists go".
GO, verb. Begin or set in motion; "I start at eight in the morning"; "Ready, set, go!".
GO, verb. Have a turn; make one's move in a game; "Can I go now?".
GO, verb. Be contained in; "How many times does 18 go into 54?".
GO, verb. Be sounded, played, or expressed; "How does this song go again?".
GO, verb. Blend or harmonize; "This flavor will blend with those in your dish"; "This sofa won't go with the chairs".
GO, verb. Lead, extend, or afford access; "This door goes to the basement"; "The road runs South".
GO, verb. Be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired; "This piece won't fit into the puzzle".
GO, verb. Go through in search of something; search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way; "Who rifled through my desk drawers?".
GO, verb. Be spent; "All my money went for food and rent".
GO, verb. Give support (to) or make a choice (of) one out of a group or number; "I plumped for the losing candidates".
GO, verb. Stop operating or functioning; "The engine finally went"; "The car died on the road"; "The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town"; "The coffee maker broke"; "The engine failed on the way to town"; "her eyesight went after the accident".
GO, adjective. Functioning correctly and ready for action; "all systems are go".
Wise words
Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events,
not of words. Trust movement.