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Associations to the word «Wanted»


WANTED, adjective. Wished for; desired; sought
WANTED, adjective. (legal) subject to immediate detainment by law enforcement authorities on sight.
WANTED, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of want
WANTED CARGO, noun. (Military) In naval control of shipping, a cargo which is not immediately required by the consignee country, but will be needed later.
WANTED POSTER, noun. A printed public announcement that the authorities want to apprehend a person for a crime; normally, a reward is offered.

Dictionary definition

WANTED, adjective. Desired or wished for or sought; "couldn't keep her eyes off the wanted toy"; "a wanted criminal"; "a wanted poster".
WANTED, adjective. Characterized by feeling or showing fond affection for; "a cherished friend"; "children are precious"; "a treasured heirloom"; "so good to feel wanted".

Wise words

Suit the action to the word, the word to the action.
William Shakespeare