Associations to the word «Faceless»
- Alton
- Bureaucrat
- Visor
- Renie
- Crossbow
- Automaton
- Helmet
- Killer
- Reaper
- Gloom
- Smiley
- Drone
- Alp
- Nightingale
- Turning
- Matron
- Vance
- Keene
- Torso
- Throng
- Corpse
- Hun
- Kira
- Masse
- Mask
- Password
- Gunfire
- Armor
- Mustang
- Mercenary
- Blur
- Cho
- Malice
- Enemy
- Stranger
- Shadow
- Evan
- Hunter
- Ghost
- Chaos
- Silent
- Assassin
- Sorcerer
- Demon
- Toby
- Ling
- Robot
- Coward
- Polly
- Veil
- Mage
- Unknown
- Doll
- Entity
- Monster
- Alien
- One
- Batman
- Nightmare
- Surge
- Curse
- Hood
- Su
- Creature
- Robe
- Figure
- Swim
- Mist
- Identity
- Darkness
FACELESS, adjective. Having no face
FACELESS, adjective. Having, or revealing no individual identity or character; anonymous.
FACELESS, adjective. Having or revealing no individuality, personality or distinctive characteristics.
FACELESS BUREAUCRAT, noun. (idiom) (usually pejorative) A stereotypical anonymous, interchangeable and unaccountable government official.
FACELESS BUREAUCRATS, noun. Plural of faceless bureaucrat
Dictionary definition
FACELESS, adjective. Without a face or identity; "a faceless apparition"; "the faceless accusers of the police state".
Wise words
Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the
human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.