Associations to the word «Dub»
- Bunny
- Chivalry
- Morale
- Columnist
- Interlude
- Orb
- Afro
- Revolutionary
- Bounce
- Kum
- Tempo
- Jamaica
- Knighthood
- Dil
- Pistol
- Circus
- Heartbeat
- Storyline
- Frankenstein
- Mcfarland
- Remake
- Sound
- Philippine
- Ras
- Broadcast
- Alba
- Resemblance
- Bonus
- Ghetto
- Film
- Louie
- Frankie
- Taylor
- Tango
- Avenger
- Label
- Lucille
- Sinatra
- Twinkle
- Halfback
- Sax
- Woodstock
- Nixon
- Olympia
- Headline
- Doo
- English
- Dread
- Ball
- Lange
- Critic
- Spanish
- Experimentation
- Superstar
- Announcer
- Meet
- Reviewer
- Guido
- Alchemist
- Masterpiece
- Reissue
- Goes
- Gui
- Adrian
- Rae
- Anthem
- Gamer
- Harmony
- Judah
- Records
- Knight
- Be
DUB, verb. (transitive) To confer knighthood; the conclusion of the ceremony was marked by a tap on the shoulder with the sword.
DUB, verb. (transitive) To name, to entitle, to call.
DUB, verb. (transitive) To deem.
DUB, verb. To clothe or invest; to ornament; to adorn.
DUB, verb. (heading) To strike, rub, or dress smooth; to dab.
DUB, verb. To dress with an adze.
DUB, verb. To strike cloth with teasels to raise a nap.
DUB, verb. To rub or dress with grease, as leather in the process of currying it.
DUB, verb. To dress a fishing fly.
DUB, verb. To prepare (a gamecock) for fighting, by trimming the hackles and cutting off the comb and wattles.
DUB, verb. To make a copy from an original or master audio tape.
DUB, verb. To copy the audio track onto a film.
DUB, verb. To replace the original soundtrack of a film with a synchronized translation
DUB, verb. To mix audio tracks to produce a new sound; to remix.
DUB, noun. (music) A mostly instrumental remix with all or part of the vocals removed.
DUB, noun. (music) A style of reggae music involving mixing of different audio tracks.
DUB, noun. (music) A growing trend of music from 2009 to current in which bass distortion is synced off timing to electronic dance music.
DUB, noun. (slang) A piece of graffiti in metallic colour with a thick black outline.
DUB, noun. (UK) (dialect) A pool or puddle.
DUB, noun. (slang) A twenty dollar sack of marijuana.
DUB, noun. (slang) A wheel rim measuring 20 inches or more.
DUB, noun. (rare) A blow.
DUB, verb. To make a noise by brisk drumbeats.
DUB OUT, verb. (plastering) To fill out, as an uneven surface, to a plane, or to carry out a series of small projections.
DUB POETRY, noun. A form of performance poetry of West Indian origin, accompanied by music and often of a political nature.
DUB SACK, noun. (US) A bag of marijuana costing $20.
Dictionary definition
DUB, noun. The new sounds added by dubbing.
DUB, verb. Give a nickname to.
DUB, verb. Provide (movies) with a soundtrack of a foreign language.
DUB, verb. Raise (someone) to knighthood; "The Beatles were knighted".
Wise words
Watch your thoughts, they become your words. Watch your
words, they become your actions. Watch your actions, they
become your habits. Watch your habits, they become your
character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.