Associations to the word «Councillor»
- Somerset
- Dunlop
- Geelong
- Hove
- Urban
- Dorset
- Marcel
- Isabelle
- Westminster
- Wong
- Griffiths
- Kildare
- Prefecture
- Solicitor
- Germain
- Majority
- Wolverhampton
- Ontario
- Davies
- Endorsement
- Galway
- Commissioner
- Past
- Swansea
- Marc
- Tweed
- Tam
- Pierre
- Glasgow
- Ballot
- Diane
- Brent
- Caucus
- Kraft
- Canton
- District
- Quebec
- Birmingham
- Prefect
- Bradford
- Wellington
- Chancellor
- Bogotá
- Baroness
- Bertrand
- Landowner
- Nord
- Committee
- Warden
- Steward
- Italic
- Prior
- Nationalist
- Nottinghamshire
- Lau
- Politician
- Moreau
- Municipality
- Hampstead
- Clermont
- Gaston
- Coalition
- Rob
- Term
- Moderate
- Limerick
- Lucie
- Alf
- Oldham
- Pas
- Cullen
- Member
- Leader
- Deliberation
- Cumbria
- Manitoba
- Leicester
- Resident
COUNCILLOR, noun. A member of a council.
COUNCILLOR, noun. (British spelling) A representative elected to a local authority.
COUNCILLOR, noun. (politics) city councillor, a member of a city council.
Dictionary definition
COUNCILLOR, noun. A member of a council.
Wise words
If you wish to know the mind of a man, listen to his words.