Associations to the word «Confectionery»


CONFECTIONERY, noun. (uncountable) Foodstuffs that taste very sweet, taken as a group; candies, sweetmeats and confections collectively.
CONFECTIONERY, noun. (uncountable) The business or occupation of manufacturing confectionery; the skill or work of a confectioner.
CONFECTIONERY, noun. A store where confectionery is sold; a confectioner's shop.

Dictionary definition

CONFECTIONERY, noun. Candy and other sweets considered collectively; "the business decided to concentrate on confectionery and soft drinks".
CONFECTIONERY, noun. A confectioner's shop.
CONFECTIONERY, noun. The occupation and skills of a confectioner.

Wise words

The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.
Thomas Jefferson