Associations to the word «Valentine»

Pictures for the word «Valentine»


VALENTINE, noun. An expression of affection, especially romantic affection, usually in the form of greeting card, gift, or message given to a person the object of affection, especially on February 14th.
VALENTINE, noun. A person to whom a valentine is given or received, especially on February 14th.
VALENTINE, proper noun. Saint Valentine
VALENTINE, proper noun. A male given name in quiet but steady use since the 16th century.
VALENTINE, proper noun. An English and Scottish surname derived from the male given name.
VALENTINE, proper noun. A female given name occasionally borrowed from French.
VALENTINE, proper noun. Alternative form of valentine

Dictionary definition

VALENTINE, noun. A sweetheart chosen to receive a greeting on Saint Valentine's Day; "will you be my valentine?".
VALENTINE, noun. A card sent or given (as to a sweetheart) on Saint Valentine's Day.

Wise words

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.
Lao Tzu