Associations to the word «Cocoon»


COCOON, noun. The silky protective case spun by the larvae of some insects and moths in which they metamorphose, the pupa.
COCOON, noun. Any similar protective case, whether real or metaphorical.
COCOON, verb. To envelop in a protective case, or to withdraw into such a case.

Dictionary definition

COCOON, noun. Silky envelope spun by the larvae of many insects to protect pupas and by spiders to protect eggs.
COCOON, verb. Retreat as if into a cocoon, as from an unfriendly environment; "Families cocoon around the T.V. set most evenings"; "She loves to stay at home and cocoon".
COCOON, verb. Wrap in or as if in a cocoon, as for protection.

Wise words

The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.
Thomas Jefferson