Associations to the word «Classified»
- Cyclone
- Brightness
- Shopping
- Felony
- Itu
- Pentagon
- Portal
- Faa
- Epa
- Forum
- Maximum
- Ranking
- Homo
- Petra
- Unesco
- News
- Criterion
- Literacy
- Section
- Bordeaux
- Dialect
- Grade
- Genu
- Appellation
- Utc
- Mammal
- Auto
- Conservation
- Leak
- Cate
- Memo
- Weather
- Linguist
- Competitor
- Hazard
- Calendar
- Athletic
- Type
- Depression
- Briefing
- Oceanic
- Morphology
- Specie
- Fungus
- Mathematic
- Locomotive
- Announcement
- Vineyard
- Percentage
- Pickering
- Wildlife
- Ac
- Job
- Intermediate
- Alp
- Blog
- Combatant
- Fishery
- File
- Statistic
- Carnegie
- Accounting
- Secondary
- Heritage
- Assessment
- Listing
- Impairment
- Carcinoma
- Disorder
CLASSIFIED, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of classify
CLASSIFIED, adjective. Formally assigned by a government to one of several levels of sensitivity, usually (in English) top secret, secret, confidential, and, in some countries, restricted; thereby making disclosure to unauthorized persons illegal.
CLASSIFIED, adjective. Not meant to be disclosed by a person or organization.
CLASSIFIED, noun. (informal) A classified advertisement in a newspaper or magazine.
CLASSIFIED AD, noun. Short form of classified advertisement
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT, noun. Any of a list of newspaper or website advertisements included with others under a heading describing the category of product or service offered.
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS, noun. Plural of classified advertisement
Dictionary definition
CLASSIFIED, noun. A short ad in a newspaper or magazine (usually in small print) and appearing along with other ads of the same type.
CLASSIFIED, adjective. Arranged into classes.
CLASSIFIED, adjective. Official classification of information or documents; withheld from general circulation; "thousands of classified documents have now been declassified".
Wise words
Words derive their power from the original word.