Associations to the word «Clarion»


CLARION, noun. (music) A medieval brass instrument, related to the trumpet, or its sound.
CLARION, noun. (heraldiccharge) A different type of musical instrument resembling an organ.
CLARION, adjective. Loud and clear.
CLARION, proper noun. A botanical plant name author abbreviation for botanist Jacques Clarion (1776-1844).
CLARION CALL, noun. (figuratively) Appeal, urgent call to action.

Dictionary definition

CLARION, noun. A medieval brass instrument with a clear shrill tone.
CLARION, verb. Blow the clarion.
CLARION, verb. Proclaim on, or as if on, a clarion.
CLARION, adjective. Loud and clear; "a clarion call".

Wise words

A kind word warms a man throughout three winters.
Turkish Proverb