Associations to the word «Cirri»


CIRRUS, noun. (botany) A tendril.
CIRRUS, noun. (zoology) A thin tendril-like appendage.
CIRRUS, noun. (meteorology) A principal high-level cloud type characterised by white, delicate filaments or wisps, of white (or mostly white) patches, or of narrow bands, found at an altitude of above 7000 metres.

Dictionary definition

CIRRUS, noun. Usually coiled.
CIRRUS, noun. A wispy white cloud (usually of fine ice crystals) at a high altitude (4 to 8 miles).
CIRRUS, noun. A slender flexible animal appendage as on barnacles or crinoids or many insects; often tactile.

Wise words

Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.
Napoleon Hill