Associations to the word «Calvaries»
- Crucifixion
- Cemetery
- Chapel
- Pastor
- Episcopal
- Mesa
- Crucifix
- Bethlehem
- Queens
- Mausoleum
- Mount
- Presbyterian
- Nazareth
- Christ
- Atonement
- Shoemaker
- Jesus
- Evangelist
- Holiness
- Procession
- Albuquerque
- Magdalene
- Redemption
- Rosary
- Tabernacle
- Bronx
- Saviour
- Crosse
- Evangelical
- Jerusalem
- Resurrection
- Pedestal
- Hospice
- Mennonite
- Brittany
- Chuck
- Veronica
- Church
- Rector
- Grotto
- Galilee
- Cross
- Depiction
- Costa
- Him
- Sacrifice
- Sinai
- Lent
- Suffering
- Bible
- Parishioner
- Altar
- Congregation
- Burial
- Baptist
- Lamb
- Statue
- Davenport
- Pieter
- Zion
- Depicting
- Yves
- Churchyard
- Pittsburgh
- Buttress
- Cantata
- Alcoholic
- Falls
- Enclosure
- Eucharist
- Ravenna
- Graveyard
- Outreach
- Bethel
- Virgin
- Croix
- Tenement
- Fellowship
- Gospel
CALVARY, proper noun. The hill outside Jerusalem which is traditionally held to be the location of the crucifixion of Jesus.
CALVARY, noun. A life-size representation of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on a piece of raised ground.
CALVARY, noun. A series of representations of Christ’s Passion in a church.
CALVARY, noun. A strenuous experience.
CALVARY, noun. Misspelling of cavalry.
Dictionary definition
CALVARY, noun. A hill near Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified.
CALVARY, noun. Any experience that causes intense suffering.
Wise words
Since a politician never believes what he says, he is quite
surprised to be taken at his word.