Associations to the word «Caledonia»
- Vanuatu
- Polynesia
- Fiji
- Tahiti
- Samoa
- Wallis
- Guadalcanal
- Papua
- Solomon
- Madagascar
- Oceania
- Guinea
- Loyalty
- Seychelles
- Quadrangle
- Sulawesi
- New
- Guiana
- Mauritius
- Archipelago
- Mariana
- Howe
- Coral
- Reef
- Timor
- Tt
- Maldives
- Britannia
- Cyclone
- Pacific
- Bismarck
- Indonesia
- Zealand
- Java
- Borneo
- Norfolk
- Philippines
- Santo
- Rainforest
- Queensland
- Tobago
- Vermont
- Australia
- Raven
- Tasmania
- Hawaii
- Erica
- Laos
- Island
- Chesterfield
- Mont
- French
- Sui
- Dependency
- Chalmers
- Taiwan
- Mozambique
- Sumatra
- Grande
- Malaysia
- Hms
- Vichy
- Ocean
- Mollusc
- Maclean
- Eel
- Conifer
- Myanmar
- Biodiversity
- Guyana
- Barnet
- Brunei
- Indochina
- Glasgow
- Cook
- Trinidad
- Argyle
- Tropic
- Territory
- Oman
- Batavia
CALEDONIA, proper noun. (archaic) (poetic) Latin name for Scotland, the northern part of the island of Britannia.
CALEDONIA, proper noun. A village in Illinois
CALEDONIA, proper noun. A village in Michigan
CALEDONIA, proper noun. A city in Minnesota
CALEDONIA, proper noun. A town in Mississippi
CALEDONIA, proper noun. A village in Missouri
CALEDONIA, proper noun. A town and village in New York
CALEDONIA, proper noun. A village in Nova Scotia, Canada
CALEDONIA, proper noun. A village in Ohio
CALEDONIA, proper noun. A community in Ontario, Canada
CALEDONIA, proper noun. A community in Prince Edward Island, Canada
CALEDONIA, proper noun. A village and three towns in Wisconsin
Dictionary definition
CALEDONIA, noun. The geographical area (in Roman times) to the north of the Antonine Wall; now a poetic name for Scotland.
Wise words
The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two
words when one will do.