Associations to the word «Bernoulli»


BERNOULLI DISTRIBUTION, noun. (statistics) A discrete probability distribution, which takes value 1 with success probability \(p\) and value 0 with failure probability \(q=1-p\).
BERNOULLI EFFECT, noun. (fluid dynamics) In a flowing fluid, the occurrence of what is stated by Bernoulli's principle.
BERNOULLI NUMBER, noun. (mathematics) One of a sequence of coefficients of a power series which allow one to (relatively speedily) compute the error of a partial sum of some series (with respect to the limit of that series). In particular, if \(\pi^2 / 6\) is expressed as the series \(\Sigma_{n=1}^\infty {1 / n^2}\) then the partial sum \(S_n = \Sigma_{k=1}^n 1/k^2\) differs from the limit \(\pi^2 / 6\) by an error \(E_n\) which is precisely expressible by the series \(B_0 / n + B_1 / n^2 + B_2 / n^3 + B_3 / n^4 + ...\), where the sequence \(B_0, B_1, B_2, B_3,...\) is the sequence of Bernoulli numbers.
BERNOULLI PROCESS, noun. (statistics) A series of independent trials, analogous to repeatedly flipping a coin to determine whether it is fair.
BERNOULLI PROCESSES, noun. Plural of Bernoulli process
BERNOULLI VARIABLE, noun. Any variable that is part of a Bernoulli process.
BERNOULLI VARIABLES, noun. Plural of Bernoulli variable

Dictionary definition

BERNOULLI, noun. Swiss physicist who contributed to hydrodynamics and mathematical physics (1700-1782).
BERNOULLI, noun. Swiss mathematician (1667-1748).
BERNOULLI, noun. Swiss mathematician (1654-1705).

Wise words

False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.