Associations to the word «Andean»


ANDEAN, adjective. Of or pertaining to the Andes mountains in South America.
ANDEAN, noun. Someone from the Andes
ANDEAN CAT, noun. A species of cat, Leopardus jacobitus, that lives in the Andes.
ANDEAN CATS, noun. Plural of Andean cat
ANDEAN CONDOR, noun. A South American bird in the New World vulture family Cathartidae, Vultur gryphus.
ANDEAN FLAMINGO, noun. A species of flamingo, Phoenicopterus andinus, native to the Andes of Chile
ANDEAN FLAMINGOS, noun. Plural of Andean flamingo
ANDEAN TINAMOU, noun. A tinamou, Nothoprocta pentlandii.
ANDEAN TINAMOUS, noun. Plural of Andean tinamou

Dictionary definition

ANDEAN, adjective. Relating to the Andes and their inhabitants.

Wise words

A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.
Robert Burton