Associations to the word «Allegedly»
- Shia
- Stealing
- Ira
- Heroin
- Brawl
- Irregularity
- Gaza
- Accomplice
- Prostitute
- Explosive
- Guerrilla
- Fingerprint
- Hacker
- Evasion
- Ceasefire
- Activist
- Gang
- Klan
- Hussein
- Amnesty
- Mohammed
- Arroyo
- Conspirator
- Policeman
- Sniper
- Injunction
- Testimony
- Failing
- Stole
- Posing
- Rumor
- Saucer
- Gunshot
- Controversy
- Abuse
- Assailant
- Israeli
- Palestinian
- Crime
- Eyewitness
- Investigator
- Riot
- Billion
- Warrant
- Ammonium
- Mahmoud
ALLEGEDLY, adverb. According to someone's allegation.
ALLEGEDLY, adverb. According to someone's conspicuous impressions (which could be alleged ensuingly).
Dictionary definition
ALLEGEDLY, adverb. According to what has been alleged; "he was on trial for allegedly murdering his wife".
Wise words
Many a true word is spoken in jest.