Associations to the word «Allegedly»
- Ufo
- Cia
- Hoax
- Forgery
- Overthrow
- Anastasia
- Coup
- Terrorist
- Blackmail
- Arson
- Demonstrator
- Espionage
- Jihad
- Felony
- Handgun
- Fbi
- Marijuana
- Bombing
- Harassment
- Rape
- Nightclub
- Accusation
- Corruption
- Narcotic
- Massacre
- Investigation
- Burglary
- Interrogation
- Police
- Torture
- Suicide
- Murder
- Kurd
- Prosecution
- Memo
- Abduction
- Beating
- Violation
- Incident
- Girlfriend
- Complaint
- Nsa
- Atrocity
- Detention
- Robbery
- Custody
- Loyalist
- Insurgency
- Operative
- Pornography
- Adultery
- Scientology
ALLEGEDLY, adverb. According to someone's allegation.
ALLEGEDLY, adverb. According to someone's conspicuous impressions (which could be alleged ensuingly).
Dictionary definition
ALLEGEDLY, adverb. According to what has been alleged; "he was on trial for allegedly murdering his wife".
Wise words
A wise man hears one word and understands two.