Associations to the word «Scientology»
- Hubbard
- Irs
- Psychiatry
- Sweeney
- Ron
- Copyright
- Wallis
- Henson
- Auditor
- Spokesperson
- Cruise
- Cult
- Litigation
- Church
- Scholastic
- Lawsuit
- Infringement
- Spokesman
- Lund
- Karin
- Jehovah
- Trademark
- Purification
- Panorama
- Parishioner
- Harassment
- Unification
- Carmichael
- Protester
- Libel
- Exemption
- Religion
- Ufo
- Celebrity
- Booklet
- Kendrick
- Bunker
- Psychiatrist
- Infiltration
- Abortion
- Jenna
- Rehabilitation
- Closet
- Arbitration
- Merry
- Organization
- Critic
- Founder
- Technical
- Deni
- Dissemination
- Ethic
- Fraud
- Allegation
- Posting
- Smear
- Affirmation
- Sect
- Lisa
- Belief
- Bender
- Awareness
- Controversy
- Clear
- Terminology
- Insider
- Internet
- Adherent
- Doctrine
- Goldberg
SCIENTOLOGY, proper noun. A belief system with certain religious aspects, developed in 1952, focused on the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard.
Dictionary definition
SCIENTOLOGY, noun. A new religion founded by L. Ron Hubbard in 1955 and characterized by a belief in the power of a person's spirit to clear itself of past painful experiences through self-knowledge and spiritual fulfillment.
Wise words
Every creature is a word of God.