Associations to the word «Absolute»


ABSOLUTE, adjective. (obsolete) Absolved; free. [Attested from around 1350 to 1470 until the mid 17th century.]
ABSOLUTE, adjective. (obsolete) Disengaged from accidental circumstances. [Attested from around 1350 until 1470.]
ABSOLUTE, adjective. (archaic) Complete in itself; perfect. [First attested around 1350 to 1470.]
ABSOLUTE, adjective. (grammar) Not immediately dependent on the other parts of the sentence. [First attested around 1350 to 1470.]
ABSOLUTE, adjective. (of a case form) Syntactically connected to the rest of the sentence in an atypical manner; ablative absolute; nominative absolute; genitive absolute; accusative absolute. [First attested around 1350 to 1470.]
ABSOLUTE, adjective. Standing by itself in a loose syntactical connection, and qualifying the sentence as a whole rather than any single word in it. [First attested around 1350 to 1470.]
ABSOLUTE, adjective. (of an adjective or possessive pronoun) Lacking a modified substantive. [First attested around 1350 to 1470.]
ABSOLUTE, adjective. (comparative) (superlative) Expressing a relative term without a definite comparison.'[First attested around 1350 to 1470.]
ABSOLUTE, adjective. (transitive) Having no direct object. [First attested around 1350 to 1470.]
ABSOLUTE, adjective. (Irish) (Welsh) An inflected verb that is not preceded by any number of articles or compounded with a preverb. [First attested around 1350 to 1470.]
ABSOLUTE, adjective. (obsolete) Absorbed in, as an occupation. [Attested only in the late 15th century.]
ABSOLUTE, adjective. Pure; unmixed; as, absolute alcohol. [First attested in the mid 16th century.]
ABSOLUTE, adjective. (figurative) Complete; utter; outright; unmitigated; entire; total; not qualified or diminished in any way; unrestricted; without limitation. [First attested in the late 16th century.]
ABSOLUTE, adjective. Unconditional; free from any conditions, limitations, and relations; [First attested in the late 15th century.]
ABSOLUTE, adjective. Having unlimited power, without limits set by a constitution, parliament, or other means; independent in ownership or authority. [First attested in the late 15th century.]
ABSOLUTE, adjective. Absolutist; arbitrary; despotic. [First attested in the mid 16th century.]
ABSOLUTE, adjective. Proceeding from or characteristic of an absolute ruler. [First attested in the mid 16th century.]
ABSOLUTE, adjective. Authoritative; peremptory.
ABSOLUTE, adjective. Positive; unquestionable; peremptory. [First attested in the early 17th century.]
ABSOLUTE, adjective. Real; actual. [First attested in the early 17th century.]
ABSOLUTE, adjective. (archaic) Certain; free from doubt or uncertainty, as a person or prediction. [First attested in the early 17th century.]
ABSOLUTE, adjective. Free from conditional limitations; operating or existing in full under all circumstances without variation. [First attested in the early 17th century.]
ABSOLUTE, adjective. (legal) Complete; unconditional; final; without encumbrances; not liable to change or cancellation.
ABSOLUTE, adjective. (philosophy) Existing, able to be thought of, or able to be viewed without relation to other things. [First attested in the late 18th century.]
ABSOLUTE, adjective. (philosophy) Fundamental; ultimate; intrinsic; free from the variability and error natural to the human way of thinking and perception. [First attested in the late 18th century.]
ABSOLUTE, adjective. (physics) Independent of arbitrary units of measurement not comparative or relative.
ABSOLUTE, adjective. Having reference to or derived from the simplest manner from the fundamental units of mass, time, and length.
ABSOLUTE, adjective. Relating to the absolute temperature scale.
ABSOLUTE, adjective. (education) Pertaining to a grading system based on the knowledge of the individual and not on the comparative knowledge of the group of students.
ABSOLUTE, adjective. (art) Concerned entirely with expressing beauty and feelings, lacking meaningful reference.
ABSOLUTE, adjective. (dance) Utilizing the body to express ideas, independent of music and costumes.
ABSOLUTE, adjective. (math) Indicating an expression that is true for all real number; unconditional.
ABSOLUTE, noun. That which is independent of context-dependent interpretation, inviolate, fundamental. [First attested in the mid 19th century.]
ABSOLUTE, noun. Anything that is absolute. [First attested in the mid 19th century.]
ABSOLUTE, noun. (geometry) In a plane, the two imaginary circular points at infinity; in space of three dimensions, the imaginary circle at infinity.
ABSOLUTE, noun. (philosophy) (usually capitalized) A realm which exists without reference to anything else; that which can be imagined purely by itself; absolute ego.
ABSOLUTE, noun. (philosophy) (usually capitalized) The unity of spirit and nature; God.
ABSOLUTE, noun. (philosophy) (usually capitalized) The whole of reality; the totality to which everything is reduced.
ABSOLUTE, noun. Concentrated natural flower oil, used for perfumes.
ABSOLUTE, noun. (philosophy) That which is totally unconditioned, unrestricted, pure, perfect, or complete; that which can be thought of without relation to others. [First attested in the mid 19th century.]
ABSOLUTE ADDRESS, noun. (computing) The identification of a fixed location in real storage in terms of the number of bytes from the beginning, or in a peripheral device in terms of disks, sectors and bytes
ABSOLUTE ADDRESSES, noun. Plural of absolute address
ABSOLUTE ADVANTAGE, noun. (economics) The capability to produce more of a given product using less of a given resource than a competing entity.
ABSOLUTE ADVANTAGES, noun. Plural of absolute advantage
ABSOLUTE ALCOHOL, noun. (chemistry) Reasonably pure ethyl alcohol that contains at most 1% of water
ABSOLUTE ALTIMETER, noun. (aviation) A type of altimeter which measures vertical distance to the surface below, using radio, radar, sonic, laser, or capacitive technology.
ABSOLUTE ALTIMETERS, noun. Plural of absolute altimeter
ABSOLUTE ALTITUDE, noun. (aviation) The vertical distance between the airplane and the surface below.
ABSOLUTE ASSEMBLER, noun. (computing) An assembler that generates code that uses only absolute addresses.
ABSOLUTE BLOCKING, noun. (railway) A system of managing trains that breaks the line into small segments, and if a train is in a segment, no other train may follow, unless the second train is following the first, with caution.
ABSOLUTE CEILING, noun. (aviation) The maximum altitude above sea level that an aircraft or missile can maintain horizontal flight under normal conditions.
ABSOLUTE CEILINGS, noun. Plural of absolute ceiling
ABSOLUTE CODE, noun. (computing) Code which uses only absolute addresses.
ABSOLUTE COMPLEMENT, noun. (set theory) The set that contains exactly those elements belonging to the universal set but not to a given set.
ABSOLUTE COMPLEMENTS, noun. Plural of absolute complement
ABSOLUTE CONSTANT, noun. (mathematics) A constant that maintains the same value wherever it occurs; such as π.
ABSOLUTE CONSTANTS, noun. Plural of absolute constant
ABSOLUTE DEVIATION, noun. (statistics) The absolute value of the difference between a given value (such as mean or expected value) and a variate value (usually an observed value).
ABSOLUTE DEVIATION, noun. (target shooting) The shortest distance between the center of the target and the point where the projectile hit or burst.
ABSOLUTE DEVIATIONS, noun. Plural of absolute deviation
ABSOLUTE DROUGHT, noun. (UK) (climatology) A period of drought where there has been no precipitation for at least 15 days.
ABSOLUTE DROUGHTS, noun. Plural of absolute drought
ABSOLUTE EGO, noun. (philosophy) The Fichtean ego that posits its own existence and through the opposition of subject and object thus created dialectically evolves the universe.
ABSOLUTE EGOS, noun. Plural of absolute ego
ABSOLUTE ENDORSEMENT, noun. An endorsement that is binding only if and when the original endorsee fails to meet the terms.
ABSOLUTE ENDORSEMENTS, noun. Plural of absolute endorsement
ABSOLUTE ERROR, noun. (military gunnery) Shortest distance between the center of impact or the center of burst of a group of shots, and the point of impact or burst of a single shot within the group.
ABSOLUTE ERROR, noun. (military gunnery) Error of a sight consisting of its error in relation to a master service sight with which it is tested, including the known error of the master service sight.
ABSOLUTE ERRORS, noun. Plural of absolute error
ABSOLUTE FEE SIMPLE, noun. Alternative form of fee simple absolute
ABSOLUTE FORM, noun. (philosophy) The Platonic form of the supreme idea in which all other ideas participate.
ABSOLUTE FORM, noun. The subject object relation.
ABSOLUTE FORMS, noun. Plural of absolute form
ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY, noun. (meteorology) In a system of moist air, the ratio of the mass of water vapor present to the volume occupied by the mixture, that is, the density of the water vapor component. Absolute humidity is usually expressed in grams of water vapor per cubic meter or, in engineering practice, in grains per cubic foot. Because this measure of atmospheric humidity is not conservative with respect to adiabatic expansion or compression, it is not commonly used by meteorologists. (Also called vapor concentration and vapor density). See relative humidity.
ABSOLUTE IDEA, noun. (philosophy) In Hegelianism, the spiritual principle of which the reality is the expression.
ABSOLUTE IDEALISM, noun. (philosophy) A Hegelian philosophy that affirms that fundamental reality is an all-embracing spiritual unity, or a principle.
ABSOLUTE IDEALISMS, noun. Plural of absolute idealism
ABSOLUTE IDEAS, noun. Plural of absolute idea
ABSOLUTE IMPEDIMENT, noun. (legal) A diriment impediment that prevents a person from marrying, but does not require punishment or an annulment.
ABSOLUTE IMPEDIMENTS, noun. Plural of absolute impediment
ABSOLUTE INSTRUCTION, noun. (computing) An assembly language instruction that uses only absolute addresses.
ABSOLUTE INSTRUMENT, noun. An instrument whose calibration can be determined by means of physical measurements on the instrument.
ABSOLUTE INSTRUMENTS, noun. Plural of absolute instrument
ABSOLUTE LOADER, noun. (computing) A loader that places absolute code into main memory beginning with the initial address assigned by the assembler. No address manipulation is performed.
ABSOLUTE MAGNITUDE, noun. (astronomy) The intrinsic luminosity that a celestial body would have if viewed from a distance of 10 parsecs or 32.6 light years.
ABSOLUTE MAGNITUDES, noun. Plural of absolute magnitude
ABSOLUTE MAJORITIES, noun. Plural of absolute majority
ABSOLUTE MAJORITY, noun. More than half of the votes cast; more than half of the possible votes.
ABSOLUTE MAJORITY, noun. More than half of the counted item.
ABSOLUTE MEAN, noun. (mathematics) The mean of the absolute magnitude of a function that has both positive and negative values.
ABSOLUTE MEANS, noun. Plural of absolute mean
ABSOLUTE MONARCHIES, noun. Plural of absolute monarchy
ABSOLUTE MONARCHY, noun. A state over which a sole monarch has absolute and unlimited power.
ABSOLUTE MONARCHY, noun. (uncountable) The rule of such a monarch, as a form of government.
ABSOLUTE MUSIC, noun. Instrumental music having an intellectual and affective content, which depends solely on its rhythmic, melodic, and contrapuntal structure.
ABSOLUTE OF ENFLEURAGE, noun. A concentration obtained during the enfleurage process, by removal of the alcohol from the extracts of the pomade.
ABSOLUTE PERSONAL EQUATION, noun. The difference between an observed value and a standard value assumed as true.
ABSOLUTE PERSONAL EQUATIONS, noun. Plural of absolute personal equation
ABSOLUTE PIN, noun. (chess) A pin in which moving away the pinned piece would illegally expose the king to check.
ABSOLUTE PINS, noun. Plural of absolute pin
ABSOLUTE PITCH, noun. The exact pitch as established by its rate of vibration based on a standard scale.
ABSOLUTE PITCH, noun. Perfect pitch; the ability to identify or reproduce any tone heard perfectly.
ABSOLUTE POWER, noun. Complete authority to act in an area, not restrained by supervision or review.
ABSOLUTE PRESSURE, noun. Total pressure in a fluid equivalent to the sum of the gage and the atmospheric pressures.
ABSOLUTE PRIVILEGE, noun. (legal) A privilege given to lawmakers to prevent them from being sued for libel or slander due to statements made on the floor, regardless of whether they were made in good faith.
ABSOLUTE PRIVILEGES, noun. Plural of absolute privilege
ABSOLUTE REALITIES, noun. Plural of absolute reality
ABSOLUTE REALITY, noun. (philosophy) Ultimate reality, as is unaffected by the beliefs or limitations of any finite being.
ABSOLUTE REALITY, noun. (philosophy) Reality in relation to the divine mind.
ABSOLUTE RIGHT, noun. An unqualified right; a right to act or refuse to act that is at the sole discretion of the person possessing the right.
ABSOLUTE RIGHTS, noun. Plural of absolute right
ABSOLUTE SCALE, noun. A temperature scale based on absolute zero; Kelvin scale; Rankine scale.
ABSOLUTE SPACE, noun. (physics) The Newtonian concept of an unchanging and unchangeable reference system of spatial (and temporal) coordinates that is the same for all observers
ABSOLUTE SPACE-TIME, noun. (physics) The Newtonian concept of an unchanging and unchangeable reference system of time and spatial coordinates that is the same for all observers
ABSOLUTE STATE, noun. (grammar) In the Semitic languages, when a noun is not grammatically linked to another noun.
ABSOLUTE STATES, noun. Plural of absolute state
ABSOLUTE SUPERLATIVE, noun. In Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Catalan; the form of an adjective formed by adding the suffixes -issimo, -isimo, -íssimo, -érrimo, -imo, or -íssim to the adjective (with any final vowel dropped) to express a superlative that cannot be exceeded, having the sense “as ... as possible”.
ABSOLUTE SUPERLATIVE, noun. In Greek: one of the degrees of comparison in an adjective which stresses an exceptional property without making a direct comparison, its closest equivalent in English being a most important letter, a very high mountain or absolutely pure water. It is formed by adding the suffix -τατος (declined) to the adjective’s nominative, neuter singular.
ABSOLUTE SUPERLATIVES, noun. Plural of absolute superlative
ABSOLUTE SYSTEM, noun. The system of measurements based on force, and independent of acceleration of gravity.
ABSOLUTE TEMPERATURE, noun. Thermodynamic temerature; measuring of cold and heat on the absolute scale and using Kelvins.
ABSOLUTE TERM, noun. (mathematics) The constant in a polynomial.
ABSOLUTE TERMS, noun. Plural of absolute term
ABSOLUTE THRESHOLD, noun. The smallest amount of simulus that can be responded to.
ABSOLUTE THRESHOLDS, noun. Plural of absolute threshold
ABSOLUTE TIME, noun. (physics) The Newtonian concept of an unchanging and unchangeable reference system of time (and spatial) coordinates that is the same for all observers
ABSOLUTE UNIT, noun. A unit of measurement that can be defined in terms of mass, length, and time.
ABSOLUTE UNITS, noun. Plural of absolute unit
ABSOLUTE VALUE, noun. (mathematics) For a real number, its numerical value without regard to its sign; formally, -1 times the number if the number is negative, and the number unmodified if it is zero or positive; the distance of a quantity from zero on a number line.
ABSOLUTE VALUE, noun. (mathematics) For a complex number, the square root of the sum of the squares of its real and imaginary parts.
ABSOLUTE VALUES, noun. Plural of absolute value
ABSOLUTE WEIGHT, noun. The weight of a specific number of seeds, utilized to find the average weight of a single seed.
ABSOLUTE WEIGHTS, noun. Plural of absolute weight
ABSOLUTE ZERO, noun. (physics) The coldest possible temperature, zero on the Kelvin scale, or approximately −273.15 °C, −459.67 °F; total absence of heat; temperature at which motion of all molecules would cease. [First attested in the early 19th century.]
ABSOLUTE ZERO, noun. (slang) A person or thing of absolutely no consequence.
ABSOLUTE ZEROS, noun. Plural of absolute zero

Dictionary definition

ABSOLUTE, noun. Something that is conceived or that exists independently and not in relation to other things; something that does not depend on anything else and is beyond human control; something that is not relative; "no mortal being can influence the absolute".
ABSOLUTE, adjective. Perfect or complete or pure; "absolute loyalty"; "absolute silence"; "absolute truth"; "absolute alcohol".
ABSOLUTE, adjective. Complete and without restriction or qualification; sometimes used informally as intensifiers; "absolute freedom"; "an absolute dimwit"; "a downright lie"; "out-and-out mayhem"; "an out-and-out lie"; "a rank outsider"; "many right-down vices"; "got the job through sheer persistence"; "sheer stupidity".
ABSOLUTE, adjective. Not limited by law; "an absolute monarch".
ABSOLUTE, adjective. Expressing finality with no implication of possible change; "an absolute guarantee to respect the nation's authority".
ABSOLUTE, adjective. Not capable of being violated or infringed; "infrangible human rights".

Wise words

The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings - words shrink things that seem timeless when they are in your head to no more than living size when they are brought out.
Stephen King