Associations to the word «Abe»
- Amazon
- Informer
- Abbott
- Cartwright
- Chuck
- Jest
- Salvatore
- Fullback
- Aaron
- Levy
- Newark
- Waistcoat
- Tavern
- Brothel
- Mccartney
- Kobe
- Colt
- Shovel
- Ami
- Gorman
- Fer
- Bernie
- Jonah
- Uncle
- Chimpanzee
- Admiral
- Cactus
- Atkinson
- Submission
- Johnny
- Mannheim
- Nightclub
- Garment
- Doc
- Forefinger
- Anarchist
- Millionaire
- Candidacy
- Em
- Dune
- Slim
- Yunnan
- Bet
- Irving
- Alvarez
- Bribery
- Ramon
- Syndicate
- Jewish
- Anime
- Prefecture
- Wizard
- Dew
- Buyer
- Sherman
- Cloak
- Buddhist
- Costello
- Destroyer
- Watering
- Barney
- Max
- Customer
- Sig
- Soloist
- Drum
- Todd
- Protagonist
- Supposing
ABE, proper noun. A diminutive of the male given name Abraham.
ABE, noun. (slang) (US) A five-dollar bill.
ABE, verb. (intransitive) (infinitive) (regional) (British) Be.
ABÉ, proper noun. A language of Côte d'Ivoire.
Wise words
Four things come not back. The spoken word, the sped arrow,
the past life, ad the neglected opportunity.