Associations to the word «Anime»


ANIMÉ, noun. The resin of the courbaril (Hymenaea courbaril), used in varnishes.
ANIMÉ, noun. (informal) Alternative spelling of anime
ANIME, noun. (uncountable) An artistic style originating in, and associated with, Japanese animation, and that has also been adopted by a comparatively low number of animated works from other countries
ANIME, noun. (countable) An animated work originated in Japan, regardless of the artistic style.
ANIME, noun. (rare) (countable) (chiefly proscribed) An animated work, regardless of the country of origin.
ANIME, noun. Alternative spelling of animé, the resin of the courbaril.

Dictionary definition

ANIME, noun. A hard copal derived from an African tree.
ANIME, noun. Any of various resins or oleoresins.

Wise words

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.