Associations to the word «Dvd»
- Subtitle
- Combo
- Bonus
- Disc
- Footage
- Cd
- Extra
- Commentary
- Hd
- Release
- Ovum
- Ray
- Rom
- Audio
- Video
- Documentary
- Jacobson
- Verdict
- Booklet
- Entertainment
- Playback
- Distributor
- Special
- Warner
- Sales
- Acorn
- Concert
- Compilation
- Syndication
- Clip
- Anime
- Edition
- Format
- Pal
- Paramount
- Trailer
- Promo
- Reissue
- Anniversary
- Menu
- Packaging
- Madman
- Files
- Episode
- Pbs
- Amazon
- Walt
- Digital
- Dub
- Movie
- Buena
- Platinum
- Disney
- Behind
- Showtime
- Classics
- Box
- Wembley
- Recorder
- Version
- Vinyl
- Disk
- Tape
- Nickelodeon
- Cartoon
- Burner
- Wal
- Serial
- Cassette
- Rhino
Pictures for the word «Dvd»
DVD, noun. Digital video disc or digital versatile disc; an optical disc, typically one holding a commercially-recorded movie.
DVD BURNER, noun. A device that lets you permanently record (burn) information onto a DVD.
DVD BURNERS, noun. Plural of DVD burner
DVD PLAYER, noun. An electronic device for playing DVDs.
DVD PLAYERS, noun. Plural of DVD player
Dictionary definition
DVD, noun. A digital recording (as of a movie) on an optical disk that can be played on a computer or a television set.
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