Associations to the word «Abacus»

Pictures for the word «Abacus»


ABACUS, noun. (obsolete) A table or tray strewn with sand, anciently used for drawing, calculating, etc. [Attested from around 1350 (1387) until around 1470.].
ABACUS, noun. A calculating table or frame; an instrument for performing arithmetical calculations by balls sliding on wires, or counters in grooves, the lowest line representing units, the second line, tens, etc. [First attested in the late 17th century.]
ABACUS, noun. (architecture) The uppermost portion of the capital of a column, immediately under the architrave. [First attested in the mid 16th century.]
ABACUS, noun. A board, tray, or table, divided into perforated compartments, for holding cups, bottles, or the like; a kind of cupboard, buffet, or sideboard. [First attested in the late 18th century.]

Dictionary definition

ABACUS, noun. A tablet placed horizontally on top of the capital of a column as an aid in supporting the architrave.
ABACUS, noun. A calculator that performs arithmetic functions by manually sliding counters on rods or in grooves.

Wise words

A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.
Robert Burton