Associations to the word «Yugoslavian»
- Serbian
- Croatian
- Yugoslavia
- Albanian
- Novi
- Serb
- Bulgarian
- Austrian
- Albania
- Italian
- Serbia
- German
- Footballer
- Tito
- Russian
- Romanian
- Hungarian
- Belgrade
- Danish
- Kosovo
- Republic
- Norwegian
- Sarajevo
- Polish
- Montenegrin
- Montenegro
- Zagreb
- Swedish
- Partisan
- Gm
- Bosnia
- Croatia
- Macedonia
- Balkans
- Dutch
- Sad
- Herzegovina
- Jumper
- Greek
- Eurovision
- Handball
- Slovenia
- Breakup
- Ljubljana
- Croat
- Turk
- Pact
- Occupation
- French
- Nato
- Swiss
- Diaspora
- Ethnicity
- Unification
- Launcher
- Hungary
- Alp
- Pole
- Polo
- Infantry
- Milan
- Communist
- Basketball
- Contest
- Liberation
- Communism
- Motorcycle
- Ex
- Brass
- Bulgaria
- Warsaw
- Arab
- Grenade
- Federation
- Belarus
- Hound
- Marshal
YUGOSLAVIAN, adjective. Of or relating to Yugoslavia.
YUGOSLAVIAN, noun. A native of Yugoslavia.
Dictionary definition
YUGOSLAVIAN, noun. A native or inhabitant of Yugoslavia.
YUGOSLAVIAN, adjective. Of or relating to or characteristic of the former country of Yugoslavia or its people or languages; "Yugoslavian wine".
Wise words
Since a politician never believes what he says, he is quite
surprised to be taken at his word.