Associations to the word «Whichever»
- Expiration
- Comes
- Maximum
- Occupancy
- Musketeer
- Shard
- Bounce
- Rifleman
- Chose
- Rook
- Ran
- Turnover
- Allele
- Blows
- Pronoun
- Winning
- Way
- Sooner
- Contestant
- Empty
- Transmitting
- Attache
- Phenotype
- Enactment
- Dictate
- Same
- Spouse
- Minimum
- Toss
- Steer
- Nightmare
- Pickering
- Duration
- Merry
- Timer
- Salary
- Aura
- Subsidy
- Direction
- Or
- Appropriation
- Hire
- Pick
- Wage
- Option
- Adjective
- Certain
- Turn
- Voter
- Visibility
- Suit
- Fix
- Throw
- Win
WHICHEVER, pronoun. Any one or a number of a group.
Wise words
One merit of poetry few persons will deny: it says more and
in fewer words than prose.