Associations to the word «Violation»
- Litigation
- Deprivation
- Legality
- Reprisal
- Immigration
- Abduction
- Smuggling
- Conviction
- Court
- Civilian
- Versailles
- Cease
- Killing
- Importation
- Suspension
- Rwanda
- Marijuana
- License
- Burglary
- Precept
- Dictatorship
- Corruption
- Conduct
- Secrecy
- Nations
- Convention
- Visa
- Conspiracy
- Resolution
- Incarceration
- Traffic
- Etiquette
- Act
- Cleansing
- Pornography
- Sanctity
- Segregation
- Outrage
- Jeopardy
- Restriction
- Gaza
- Brutality
- Freedom
- Foul
- Judiciary
- Exclusion
- Warrant
- Trademark
- Condemnation
- Piracy
- Denial
- Agreement
- Accusation
- Retaliation
- Covenant
- Reconciliation
- Ethic
- Scientology
- Eviction
- Protection
- Confinement
- Offence
- Dismissal
VIOLATION, noun. The act or an instance of violating or the condition of being violated.
VIOLATION, noun. An infraction or a failure to follow a rule.
VIOLATION, noun. Rape.
Dictionary definition
VIOLATION, noun. A crime less serious than a felony.
VIOLATION, noun. An act that disregards an agreement or a right; "he claimed a violation of his rights under the Fifth Amendment".
VIOLATION, noun. Entry to another's property without right or permission.
VIOLATION, noun. A disrespectful act.
VIOLATION, noun. The crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her will.
Wise words
Language is a process of free creation; its laws and
principles are fixed, but the manner in which the principles
of generation are used is free and infinitely varied. Even
the interpretation and use of words involves a process of
free creation.