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Associations to the word «Via»


VIA, noun. A main road or highway, especially in ancient Rome. (Mainly used in set phrases, below.)
VIA, noun. (electronics) A small hole in a printed circuit board filled with metal which connects two or more layers.
VIA, preposition. By way of; passing through.
VIA, preposition. By (means of); using (a medium).
VIA, preposition. As per (a mathematical equation).
VIÂ, preposition. (British spelling) Dated form of via.
VIA AFFIRMATIVA, noun. (theology) A concept of God built up through positive statements about his nature.
VIA CRUCIS, noun. The Way of the Cross.
VIA CRUCIS, noun. Any extremely arduous or painful experience requiring strength or courage to endure.
VIA DOLOROSA, noun. The route believed to have been taken through Jerusalem by Christ on his way to Calvary.
VIA DOLOROSA, noun. (figuratively) The Way of the Cross.
VIA EGNATIA, proper noun. (historical) A Roman road running across the Balkan peninsula, from Dyrrachium to Byzantium.
VIA MEDIA, noun. A third way; a middle course, a compromise.
VIA NEGATIVA, noun. (theology) A concept of God built up through negative statements about his nature.

Wise words

However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act upon them?