Associations to the word «Vestment»
- Incense
- Eucharist
- Liturgy
- Altar
- Stole
- Hanging
- Clergy
- Embroidery
- Lent
- Crucifix
- Cope
- Tabernacle
- Deacon
- Garb
- Ornament
- Priest
- Garment
- Anglican
- Utensil
- Robe
- Avg
- Hooper
- Furnishing
- Girdle
- Tunic
- Communion
- Sacrament
- Dignitary
- Puritan
- Rite
- Lutheran
- Consecration
- Candle
- Gown
- Attire
- Vest
- Wafer
- Procession
- Wear
- Episcopal
- Apparel
- Scarf
- Relic
- Mass
- Priesthood
- Reformation
- Cleric
- Tapestry
- Effigy
- Ridley
- Cloth
- Purple
- Wearing
- Holy
- Silk
- Taper
- Choir
- Privatization
- Rosary
- Icon
- Mantle
- Dress
- Worship
- Imf
- Bishop
- Kneeling
- Lace
- Crowley
VESTMENT, noun. A robe or gown worn as an indication of office.
VESTMENT, noun. Any of the robes worn by members of the clergy etc., especially a garment worn at the celebration of the Eucharist.
Dictionary definition
VESTMENT, noun. Gown (especially ceremonial garments) worn by the clergy.
Wise words
Life has no meaning unless one lives it with a will, at
least to the limit of one's will. Virtue, good, evil are
nothing but words, unless one takes them apart in order to
build something with them; they do not win their true
meaning until one knows how to apply them.