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Associations to the word «Vesting»


VESTING, noun. (legal) The entitlement of an employee to receive the full benefit of a pension at normal retirement age or a reduced pension upon early retirement even upon change of employer before retirement.
VESTING, noun. (legal) The entitlement of an employee to exercise a stock option after a predetermined period of time.
VESTING, noun. Cloth for making vests.
VESTING, noun. A vest pattern.
VESTING, verb. Present participle of vest
VESTING SCHEDULE, noun. (finance) The schedule setting forth when and to what extent options become exercisable (for example, 20% per year over five years); could apply to restricted or deferred stocks also.

Wise words

Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word before you let it fall.
Oliver Wendell Holmes