Associations to the word «Vert»


VERT, abbreviation. Vertebrate
VERT, abbreviation. Vertical
VERT, noun. (tincture) A green colour, now only in heraldry; represented in engraving by diagonal parallel lines 45 degrees counter-clockwise.
VERT, noun. (archaic) Green undergrowth or other vegetation growing in a forest, as a potential cover for deer.
VERT, noun. (archaic) The right to fell trees or cut shrubs in a forest.
VERT, adjective. (tincture) In blazon, of the colour green.
VERT, noun. (colloquial) In sport, a type of bicycle stunt competition.
VERT, noun. A vertical surface used by skateboarders or skiers.
VERT RAMP, noun. A ramp used in skateboarding that transitions from a horizontal surface to a vertical one.

Wise words

Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word before you let it fall.
Oliver Wendell Holmes