Associations to the word «Tinge»
- Jelly
- Mantle
- Superstition
- Streak
- Sun
- Skin
- Annoyance
- Shade
- Dye
- Gloss
- Juvenile
- Sunlight
- Grey
- Stain
- Deceit
- Jealousy
- Coloring
- Gleam
- Awe
- Flame
- Morton
- Countenance
- Ozone
- Desperation
- Inner
- Marking
- Sunset
- Fade
- Spot
- Fin
- Hair
- Color
- Dot
- Horizon
- Margin
- Vein
- Contempt
- Patch
- Substance
- Whole
- Tone
- Voice
- Speck
- Langdon
- Belly
- Feather
- Lip
- Bloom
- Gloom
- Warbler
- Malice
- Radiance
- White
- Flank
- Excitement
TINGE, noun. A small amount of something, especially of an added color.
TINGE, noun. The degree of vividness of a color; shade, hue or tint.
TINGE, verb. (transitive) To add a small amount of color; to tint.
TINGE, verb. (transitive) To imbue or impregnate.
Dictionary definition
TINGE, noun. A slight but appreciable amount; "this dish could use a touch of garlic".
TINGE, noun. A pale or subdued color.
TINGE, verb. Affect as in thought or feeling; "My personal feelings color my judgment in this case"; "The sadness tinged his life".
TINGE, verb. Color lightly; "her greying hair was tinged blond"; "the leaves were tinged red in November".
Wise words
Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry
and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.