Associations to the word «Thinker»
- Ism
- Feminist
- Progressive
- Orator
- Socialism
- Augustine
- Exponent
- Jurist
- Rationality
- Revolutionary
- Libertarian
- Religious
- Ethic
- Paine
- Galileo
- Originality
- Humankind
- Strauss
- Environmentalist
- Gottfried
- Renaissance
- Scholar
- Capitalism
- Jewish
- Intuition
- Economist
- Reasoning
- Writer
- Dogma
- Thinking
- Islamist
- Mad
- Judaism
- Unitarian
- Learner
- Huxley
- Pascal
- Maha
- Islamic
- Heretic
- Android
- Fourier
- Planner
- Ideology
- Doctrine
- Romantic
- Romanticism
- Speculation
- Free
- Contemporary
- Conception
- Schiller
- Semitism
- Idea
- Alexis
- Poet
- Morality
- Galen
- Bacon
- Jacques
- Buddhist
- Tenet
THINKER, noun. One who spends time thinking, contemplating or meditating.
THINKER, noun. An intellectual, such as a philosopher or theologian.
Dictionary definition
THINKER, noun. An important intellectual; "the great minds of the 17th century".
THINKER, noun. Someone who exercises the mind (usually in an effort to reach a decision).
Wise words
Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing
in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in
the hands of one who knows how to combine them.