Associations to the word «Tee»


TEE, noun. The name of the Latin-script letter T/t.
TEE, noun. Something shaped like the letter T. Found in compounds such as tee-shirt, tee-beam, tee-frame, tee-iron, tee-headed, tee pipe fitting (T-splitter), tee computing command...
TEE, noun. T-shirt
TEE, verb. (transitive) (obsolete) To draw; lead.
TEE, verb. (intransitive) (obsolete) To draw away; go; proceed.
TEE, noun. (golf) A flat area of ground from which players hit their first shots on a golf hole.
TEE, noun. (golf) (baseball) A usually wooden or plastic peg from which a ball is hit.
TEE, noun. (curling) The target area of a curling rink
TEE, noun. The mark at which players aim in quoits.
TEE, verb. (golf) To place a ball on a tee
TEE BALL, noun. Alternative spelling of T-ball
TEE HEE, interjection. (colloquial) A typographical representation of tittering or laughter.
TEE HEE HEE, interjection. Ha ha. (a typographical expression of laughter)
TEE LINE, noun. (curling) The line that goes across the house intersecting with the middle of the button, splitting it into two halves.
TEE LINES, noun. Plural of tee line
TEE OFF, verb. (golf) To hit the first shot of the hole, from the tee.
TEE OFF, verb. (idiomatic) (transitive) (slang) To irritate, vex, or annoy.
TEE SHIRT, noun. Alternative spelling of T-shirt
TEE SHIRTS, noun. Plural of tee shirt
TEE SHIRTS, noun. Alternative spelling of T-shirt
TEE UP, verb. (golf) To place a golf ball on a tee
TEE UP, verb. (soccer) To pass the ball to someone, facilitating a shot.
TEE UP, verb. (basketball) To give a coach or player a technical foul.

Dictionary definition

TEE, noun. The starting place for each hole on a golf course; "they were waiting on the first tee".
TEE, noun. Support holding a football on end and above the ground preparatory to the kickoff.
TEE, noun. A short peg put into the ground to hold a golf ball off the ground.
TEE, verb. Place on a tee; "tee golf balls".
TEE, verb. Connect with a tee; "tee two pipes".

Wise words

Man is a creature who lives not upon bread alone, but principally by catch words.
Robert Louis Stevenson