Associations to the word «Synthesize»


SYNTHESIZE, verb. (transitive) To combine two or more things to produce a new, more complex product.
SYNTHESIZE, verb. (intransitive) (of two or more things) To be combined producing a new, more complex product.
SYNTHESIZE, verb. (transitive) (chemistry) To produce a substance by chemical synthesis.
SYNTHESIZE, verb. (intransitive) (chemistry) (of a substance) To be produced by chemical synthesis.

Dictionary definition

SYNTHESIZE, verb. Combine so as to form a more complex, product; "his operas synthesize music and drama in perfect harmony"; "The liver synthesizes vitamins".
SYNTHESIZE, verb. Combine and form a synthesis; "Vitamin D only synthesizes when sunlight is available".

Wise words

Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.
Mohandas Gandhi