Associations to the word «Star»


STAR, noun. Any small luminous dot appearing in the cloudless portion of the night sky, especially with a fixed location relative to other such dots.
STAR, noun. (star) A luminous celestial body, made up of plasma (particularly hydrogen and helium) and having a spherical shape. Depending on context the sun may or may not be included.
STAR, noun. (geometry) A concave polygon with regular, pointy protrusions and indentations, generally with five or six points.
STAR, noun. (acting) An actor in a leading role.
STAR, noun. An exceptionally talented or famous person, often in a specific field; a celebrity.
STAR, noun. (printing) An asterisk (*).
STAR, noun. A symbol used to rate hotels, films, etc. with a higher number of stars denoting better quality.
STAR, noun. A simple dance, or part of a dance, where a group of four dancers each put their right or left hand in the middle and turn around in a circle. You call them right-hand stars or left-hand stars, depending on the hand which is in the middle.
STAR, noun. (astrology) A planet supposed to influence one's destiny.
STAR, noun. A star-shaped ornament worn on the breast to indicate rank or honour.
STAR, noun. A composition of combustible matter used in the heading of rockets, in mines, etc., which, exploding in the air, presents a starlike appearance.
STAR, verb. To appear as a featured performer or headliner, especially in an entertainment program.
STAR, verb. To mark with a star or asterisk.
STAR, verb. To set or adorn with stars, or bright, radiating bodies; to bespangle.
STAR, proper noun. A surname​.
STAR, proper noun. A hamlet in Alberta, Canada.
STAR, proper noun. A hamlet in England.
STAR, proper noun. A city in Idaho.
STAR, proper noun. A town in North Carolina.
STAR, proper noun. A city in Russia.
STAR, proper noun. A village in Scotland.
STAR, proper noun. A hamlet in Wales.
STAR ANISE, noun. A plant, Illicium verum, used primarily for its star-shaped seed which resembles anise in scent and flavor, and which is used as a spice. Valued for its decorative shape as well as its flavor. Also used commercially as a source of shikimic acid for the production of Tamiflu.
STAR ANISES, noun. Plural of star anise
STAR APPLE, noun. A tropical tree, Chrysophyllum cainito.
STAR APPLE, noun. The fruit of this tree.
STAR APPLES, noun. Plural of star apple
STAR CHAMBER, noun. (pejorative) a legal or administrative body with strict, arbitrary rulings and secretive proceedings
STAR CHAMBERS, noun. Plural of star chamber
STAR CHART, noun. (astronomy) A map of the night sky used to identify and locate astronomical objects such as stars, constellations and galaxies.
STAR CHARTS, noun. Plural of star chart
STAR CLOUD, noun. (astronomy) A large group of many stars spread over very many light-years of space; the stars are not part of any structure but are in an area of greater than average stellar density.
STAR CLOUDS, noun. Plural of star cloud
STAR CLUSTER, noun. (astronomy) A group of gravitationally bound stars and other material (such as nebulae and planets), conventionally with one generation of similarly aged stars from the same pre-stellar nebula.
STAR CLUSTERS, noun. Plural of star cluster
STAR CROSSED, adjective. Alternative spelling of star-crossed
STAR CUCUMBER, noun. Sicyos angulatus, an annual vine in the cucumber family, native to eastern North America.
STAR DRIVE, noun. Alternative form of stardrive
STAR DRIVES, noun. Plural of star drive Alternative form of stardrives
STAR FINCH, noun. An Australian species of estrildid finch, Neochmia ruficauda.
STAR FORT, noun. (fortifications) A fort surrounded on the exterior with projecting angles.
STAR FRUIT, noun. The fruit of the carambola tree, Averrhoa carambola.
STAR FRUITS, noun. Plural of star fruit
STAR GAUGE, noun. A long rod, with adjustable points projecting radially at its end, for measuring the size of different parts of the bore of a gun.
STAR GRASS, noun. Any of several grasses or grass-like plants:
STAR GRASS, noun. Cynodon and Chloris spp., grasses in the Eleusininae subtribe of Poaceae, especially Cynodon dactylon.
STAR GRASS, noun. Aletris spp., flowering plants in the Nartheciaceae family.
STAR GRASS, noun. Callitriche spp., flowering plants in the Plantaginaceae family.
STAR GRASS, noun. Hypoxis spp., flowering plants belonging to the family Hypoxidaceae.
STAR HEIGHT, noun. (computing theory) A measure of the structural complexity of a regular expression, equal to the maximum nesting depth of stars in the expression.
STAR HEIGHTS, noun. Plural of star height
STAR JELLIES, noun. Plural of star jelly
STAR JELLY, noun.  A gelatinous substance that, according to folklore, is deposited on the earth during meteor showers.
STAR JUMP, noun. A form of exercise where one touches one's toes, then jumps up; a jumping jack.
STAR JUMPS, noun. Plural of star jump
STAR LIFTING, noun. (science fiction) A hypothetical process wherein a portion of a star's mass is removed, generally to serve as an energy source.
STAR MACROMOLECULE, noun. (chemistry) A macromolecule having a single branch point from which linear chains (or arms) emanate.
STAR MACROMOLECULES, noun. Plural of star macromolecule
STAR OF DAVID, proper noun. The Star or Shield of David is a generally recognized symbol of Jewish Community and Judaism.
STAR PASS, noun. (roller derby) The transfer of jammer status to a team's pivot, accomplished by passing a helmet cover marked with a star.
STAR PICKET, noun. (Australia) A type of pointed metal fence post, consisting of three stips of metal at equal angles to each other.
STAR PICKETS, noun. Plural of star picket
STAR PINE, noun. The Norfolk Island pine, Araucaria heterophylla
STAR PINES, noun. Plural of star pine
STAR POLYGON, noun. (mathematics) a geometric figure formed by connecting, with straight lines, every qth point out of p regularly spaced points that lie on the circumference of a circle
STAR POLYGONS, noun. Plural of star polygon
STAR POLYMER, noun. (chemistry) a polymer composed of star macromolecules
STAR POLYMERS, noun. Plural of star polymer
STAR RING, noun. A network topology consisting of a physical star and a logical ring.
STAR RINGS, noun. Plural of star ring
STAR SCOUT, noun. The third-highest rank in the Boy Scouts of America, below Life and Eagle but above first class, and the lowest to require earning merit badges.
STAR SEDGE, noun. A sedge species, Carex echinata.
STAR SEDGES, noun. Plural of star sedge
STAR SEED, noun. (New Age) a person believed to have a reincarnated soul of an extraterrestrial or extradimensional being
STAR SHELL, noun. (military) A type of ammunition shell which bursts to release a shower of stars for illuminating enemy positions etc.
STAR SHELLS, noun. Plural of star shell
STAR SIGN, noun. (astrology) Synonym of the astrological sign.
STAR SIGNS, noun. Plural of star sign
STAR STREAM, noun. (astronomy) A line of stars, originally from a dwarf galaxy, that have been captured by gravitational interaction with the Milky Way
STAR STREAMS, noun. Plural of star stream
STAR SYSTEM, noun. (star) A group of stars (and possibly smaller bodies such as planets or asteroids) that orbit one another.
STAR SYSTEM, noun. (film) A method of creating, promoting and exploiting movie stars in cinema, emphasizing on their images rather than acting.
STAR SYSTEMS, noun. Plural of star system
STAR TOPOLOGIES, noun. Plural of star topology
STAR TOPOLOGY, noun. A physical network topology in which all nodes are connected to a central connectivity device (e.g. a hub).
STAR TRACKER, noun. A navigational device which measures the angular separation of stars with reference to a known time and place in order to achieve precise navigation.
STAR TRAIL, noun. (astronomy) (photography) The line of light recorded on a photographic medium when a time exposure is made of a star in the nighttime sky using a camera on a fixed mount, caused by the rotation of the earth during the period of time when the camera's shutter is held open.
STAR TRAILS, noun. Plural of star trail
STAR TREK, proper noun. A popular sci-fi media franchise set in the future, primarily focusing on the adventures of the personnel of a space navy of an interstellar political federation of which Earth is a charter member.
STAR TREK, adjective. Futuristic, particularly with respect to things similar in appearance or effect to technology in the Star Trek franchise.
STAR TREKKISH, adjective. Especially of style or technology, like that of the fictional world of the Star Trek media franchise.
STAR TREKKY, adjective. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the science fiction franchise Star Trek.
STAR VAULT, noun. (architecture) A vault whose ribs radiate to form patterns reminiscent of stars
STAR VISITOR, noun. An extraterrestrial person from a different star system than ours.
STAR WARS, proper noun. An American epic space opera franchise centered on a film series created by George Lucas.
STAR WARS, proper noun. A nickname for the United States Strategic Defense Initiative.
STAR WARSY, adjective. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the science fiction franchise Star Wars.

Dictionary definition

STAR, noun. (astronomy) a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior.
STAR, noun. Someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field.
STAR, noun. Any celestial body visible (as a point of light) from the Earth at night.
STAR, noun. An actor who plays a principal role.
STAR, noun. A plane figure with 5 or more points; often used as an emblem.
STAR, noun. A performer who receives prominent billing.
STAR, noun. A star-shaped character * used in printing.
STAR, noun. The topology of a network whose components are connected to a hub.
STAR, verb. Feature as the star; "The movie stars Dustin Hoffman as an autistic man".
STAR, verb. Be the star in a performance.
STAR, verb. Mark with an asterisk; "Linguists star unacceptable sentences".
STAR, adjective. Indicating the most important performer or role; "the leading man"; "prima ballerina"; "prima donna"; "a star figure skater"; "the starring role"; "a stellar role"; "a stellar performance".

Wise words

Where words fail, music speaks.
Hans Christian Anderson