Associations to the word «Soar»
- Lark
- Vulture
- Eagle
- Glider
- Flier
- Wing
- Popularity
- Sky
- Talon
- Unemployment
- Hawk
- Perch
- Spire
- Height
- Kite
- Heaven
- Cloud
- Gull
- Bird
- Price
- Ski
- Rocket
- Imagination
- Ambition
- Dove
- Realm
- Melody
- Dome
- Peak
- Leicestershire
- Flock
- Atmosphere
- Ecstasy
- Temperature
- Glide
- Ledge
- Muse
- Nottinghamshire
- Plume
- Barrow
- Goose
- Leicester
- Newell
- Dived
- Sweep
- Delight
- Horizon
- Roar
- Inflation
- Trent
- Buzzard
- Dinah
- Stoop
- Olympus
- Aeroplane
- Midlands
- Sprite
- Gotham
- Laird
- Dive
- Astronaut
- Chasm
SOAR, verb. To fly aloft with little effort, as a bird.
SOAR, verb. To mount upward on wings, or as on wings.
SOAR, verb. To remain aloft by means of a glider or other unpowered aircraft.
SOAR, verb. To rise, especially rapidly or unusually high.
SOAR, verb. (figuratively) To rise in thought, spirits, or imagination; to be exalted in mood.
SOAR, noun. The act of soaring.
SOAR, noun. An upward flight.
SOAR, proper noun. (geography) A river in England tributary to the Trent.
Dictionary definition
SOAR, noun. The act of rising upward into the air.
SOAR, verb. Rise rapidly; "the dollar soared against the yen".
SOAR, verb. Fly by means of a hang glider.
SOAR, verb. Fly upwards or high in the sky.
SOAR, verb. Go or move upward; "The stock market soared after the cease-fire was announced".
SOAR, verb. Fly a plane without an engine.
Wise words
A kind word warms a man throughout three winters.