Associations to the word «Skipper»


SKIPPER, noun. (nautical) The master of a ship (literally, 'shipper').
SKIPPER, noun. A coach, director, or other leader.
SKIPPER, noun. (sports) The captain of a sports team such as football, cricket, rugby or curling.
SKIPPER, verb. (transitive) To be the skipper of a ship
SKIPPER, noun. Agent noun of skip: one who skips.
SKIPPER, noun. A person who skips, or fails to attend class.
SKIPPER, noun. Any of various butterflies of the families Hesperiidae and its subfamily Megathyminae, having a hairy mothlike body, hooked tips on the antennae, and a darting flight pattern.
SKIPPER, noun. Any of several marine fishes that often leap above water, especially Cololabis saira, the Pacific saury.
SKIPPER, noun. (obsolete) A young, thoughtless person.
SKIPPER, noun. The cheese maggot, the larva of a cheese fly, in Piophilidae, which leap to escape predators.

Dictionary definition

SKIPPER, noun. A student who fails to attend classes.
SKIPPER, noun. An officer who is licensed to command a merchant ship.
SKIPPER, noun. The naval officer in command of a military ship.
SKIPPER, verb. Work as the skipper on a vessel.

Wise words

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