Associations to the word «Quickly»
- Dress
- Spread
- Dissipate
- Evaporate
- Scan
- Escalate
- Deteriorate
- React
- Fade
- Glance
- Up
- Intensify
- Recover
- Turn
- Dispel
- Down
- Overwhelm
- Out
- Duck
- Rise
- Extinguish
- Rebound
- Adapt
- Calm
- Heal
- Rally
- Scurry
- Regroup
- Close
- Dart
- Reload
- Grasp
- Subside
- Stride
- Avert
- Overtake
- Assimilate
- Slip
- Vanish
- Thrust
- Degrade
- Progress
- Eclipse
- Befriend
- Unravel
- Clamber
- Deplete
- Respond
- Speed
- Gain
- Climb
- Sketch
- Recapture
- Disintegrate
- Disengage
- Regain
- Scuttle
- Bend
- Jump
- Snatch
- Mobilize
- Clear
- Silence
- Supplant
- Grab
- Correct
QUICKLY, adverb. Rapidly; with speed; fast.
QUICKLY, adverb. Very soon.
Dictionary definition
QUICKLY, adverb. With rapid movements; "he works quickly".
QUICKLY, adverb. With little or no delay; "the rescue squad arrived promptly"; "come here, quick!".
QUICKLY, adverb. Without taking pains; "he looked cursorily through the magazine".
Wise words
A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.