Associations to the word «Quechua»
- Andes
- Peru
- Spelling
- Inca
- Suffix
- Bolivia
- Condor
- Descent
- Puma
- Asa
- Childhood
- Cougar
- Ecuador
- Resident
- Mach
- Lima
- Spanish
- Citizen
- Mayan
- Majority
- Ay
- Cairn
- Dialect
- Borrowing
- Lingua
- Orthography
- Colored
- Language
- Census
- Highland
- Coca
- Lagoon
- Gull
- Ni
- Lowland
- Corral
- Maize
- Province
- Vocabulary
- Linguist
- Potato
- Buzzard
- Isla
- Idiom
- Range
- Catechism
- Altitude
- Lake
- Pronunciation
- Elegy
- Chile
- Reach
- Height
- Speaker
- Rectangle
- Morphology
- Argentina
- Vowel
- Legume
- Colombia
- Phonology
- Felipe
- Region
- Above
- Black
- Lan
- Ownership
- Population
- Alphabet
- Red
- Grammar
- Empire
QUECHUA, noun. A member of one of several South American ethnic groups that spans Peru, Bolivia, northwestern Argentina, northern Chile, and in Ecuador and southern Colombia.
QUECHUA, proper noun. The language spoken by these people.
Dictionary definition
QUECHUA, noun. A member of a South American Indian people in Peru who were formerly the ruling class of the Inca empire.
QUECHUA, noun. A community of South American Indians in Peru who were formerly the ruling class of the Incan Empire.
QUECHUA, noun. The language of the Quechua which was spoken by the Incas.
Wise words
Words, words, words! They shut one off from the universe.
Three quarters of the time one's never in contact with
things, only with the beastly words that stand for them.