Associations to the word «Painter»
- Ghent
- Moreau
- Claude
- Jean
- Colour
- Franz
- Allegory
- Essayist
- Philipp
- Cornelia
- Friedrich
- Filmmaker
- Rousseau
- Carpenter
- Emilio
- Brush
- Modernism
- Norwegian
- Hans
- Rockwell
- Guild
- Pavel
- Novelist
- Leighton
- Gerard
- Emanuel
- Scenery
- Augustin
- Croatian
- Irish
- Heinrich
- Moritz
- Shoemaker
- Martini
- Likeness
- Birthplace
- Eugen
- Rivera
- Artisan
- Czech
- Valentin
- Parisian
- Munich
- Golden
- Pierre
- Theorist
- Alexei
- Ernst
- Mikhail
- Apprentice
- Collector
- Madonna
- Ludwig
- Gerhard
- Contemporary
- Brussels
- Playwright
- Mariano
- Gallery
- Gustav
- Messina
- Writer
- Edmond
- Renown
- Singleton
- Foreground
- Dominique
- Simone
- Christoph
- Palma
- Leonid
- Caricature
- Romanian
- Mexican
- Ferdinand
- Pliny
- Dante
Pictures for the word «Painter»
PAINTER, noun. An artist who paints pictures.
PAINTER, noun. A laborer or workman who paints surfaces using a paintbrush or other means.
PAINTER, noun. (US) A mountain lion, by mispronunciation of "panther".
PAINTER, noun. (obsolete) A chain or rope used to attach the shank of an anchor to the side of a ship when not in use. [14th-17th c.]
PAINTER, noun. (nautical) A rope connected to the bow of a boat, used to attach it to e.g. a jetty or another boat. [from 17th c.]
PAINTER, proper noun. A surname.
PAINTER, proper noun. A town in Virginia.
Dictionary definition
PAINTER, noun. An artist who paints.
PAINTER, noun. A worker who is employed to cover objects with paint.
PAINTER, noun. A line that is attached to the bow of a boat and used for tying up (as when docking or towing).
PAINTER, noun. Large American feline resembling a lion.
Wise words
Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking
creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.