Associations to the word «Old»
- Siam
- Uppsala
- Tough
- Tavern
- Athenian
- Newbury
- Fifty
- Bold
- Turnpike
- Road
- Growth
- Rishi
- Salem
- Novgorod
- Old
- Theatre
- Romney
- Homestead
- Maturity
- Downtown
- Garb
- Cask
- Ten
- Shakespeare
- Wembley
- Stallion
- Pike
- Bethlehem
- Louisville
- Vc
- Terran
- Resident
- Orthography
- Macdonald
- Modern
- Playhouse
- Harlow
- Cornwall
- Javanese
- Kent
- Teen
- Manchester
- Conifer
- Betsy
- Bailey
- Friend
- Brother
- Cemetery
- Granny
- Ale
- Cos
- Rag
OLD, adjective. Of an object, concept, relationship, etc., having existed for a relatively long period of time.
OLD, adjective. Of a living being, having lived for most of the expected years.
OLD, adjective. Of a perishable item, having existed for most, or more than its shelf life.
OLD, adjective. Of an item that has been used and so is not new (unused).
OLD, adjective. Having existed or lived for the specified time.
OLD, adjective. (heading) Of an earlier time.
OLD, adjective. Former, previous.
OLD, adjective. That is no longer in existence.
OLD, adjective. Obsolete; out-of-date.
OLD, adjective. Familiar.
OLD, adjective. Tiresome.
OLD, adjective. Said of subdued colors, particularly reds, pinks and oranges, as if they had faded over time.
OLD, adjective. A grammatical intensifier, often used in describing something positive. (Mostly in idioms like good old, big old and little old, any old and some old.)
OLD, adjective. (obsolete) Excessive, abundant.
OLD, noun. People who are old; old beings; the older generation; usually used with the.
OLD AGE, noun. The latter part of life, the part of life after one's prime.
OLD AGE PENSION, noun. A pension paid to people by the state, when they reach a predefined age, to compensate for loss of earnings
OLD ALE, noun. (UK) Any dark, malty, relatively strong beer.
OLD ALE, noun. (Australia) Any dark ale.
OLD ALES, noun. Plural of old ale
OLD ARMENIAN, proper noun. The oldest attested form of the Armenian language, first written down at the beginning of the 5th century AD and spoken until 12th century; then replaced by Middle Armenian. Served as a literary language till 18-19th century. Partly intelligible to speakers of modern Armenian.
OLD AS THE HILLS, adjective. (simile) Extremely old.
OLD BABYLONIAN, proper noun. The historical period of the First Babylonian Dynasty.
OLD BABYLONIAN, proper noun. The Akkadian language spoken at that time.
OLD BAG, noun. (British) (pejorative) a nasty, troublesome old woman.
OLD BAILEY, proper noun. A street in the City between Holborn circus and St Paul's Cathedral
OLD BAILEY, proper noun. The Central Criminal Court in this street
OLD BALL, noun. (cricket) a cricket ball that has been used in a previous match; one that has been used in the current match for over 30 overs
OLD BALLS, noun. Plural of old ball
OLD BANGER, noun. (UK) (slang) A decrepit car.
OLD BANGERS, noun. Plural of old banger
OLD BEAN, noun. (British) (slang) (dated) (term of address) An old friend.
OLD BEANS, noun. Plural of old bean
OLD BELARUSIAN, proper noun. The Old East Slavic language.
OLD BELIEVER, noun. (religion) Any of those who separated from the official Russian Orthodox Church after 1666 as a protest against church reforms introduced by Patriarch Nikon between 1652 and 1666. They continue liturgical practices which predate the reforms.
OLD BELIEVERS, noun. Plural of Old Believer
OLD BILL, proper noun. (British) (slang) A police officer; the police force.
OLD BLIGHTY, proper noun. Great Britain, Britain, or England, especially as viewed from abroad
OLD BOY, noun. (chiefly British) An alumnus, especially of a public school.
OLD BOY, noun. (UK) Affectionate term of address for a man.
OLD BOY, noun. A former member of a group
OLD BOY NETWORK, noun. (idiomatic) A presumed unacknowledged system of association between childhood friends (especially those at school or university together), used for mutual assistance or favouritism.
OLD BOYS' CLUB, noun. A boys' club (organization that excludes women), especially one with an established history of male control.
OLD BRETON, proper noun. Extinct European language of the Brittonic subgroup of families, spoken in the North of France in the between the 9th and the 11th century AD.
OLD BULGARIAN, proper noun. Old Church Slavonic
OLD BULGARIAN, proper noun. The Bulgarian recension of Old Church Slavonic (9th–11th century).
OLD CATALAN, proper noun. A medieval variant of the Catalan language
OLD CATHOLIC, adjective. Pertaining to a group of churches that split from the Roman Catholic Church over the dogma of papal infallibility, which they did not agree with.
OLD CATHOLIC, noun. A member of an Old Catholic church.
OLD CATHOLIC CHURCH, proper noun. A particular Christian denomination that split from the Roman Catholic Church over matters of doctrine
OLD CATHOLICS, noun. Plural of Old Catholic
OLD CHAP, noun. (UK) (dated) Affectionate term of address for a man.
OLD CHAP, noun. (UK) (colloquial) The penis.
OLD CHAPS, noun. Plural of old chap
OLD CHESTNUT, noun. (idiomatic) A well-worn story.
OLD CHINESE, proper noun. A linguistic ancestor of the Chinese languages, spoken during roughly the first millennium BCE.
OLD CHURCH SLAVIC, proper noun. Old Church Slavonic.
OLD CHURCH SLAVONIC, proper noun. The first literary and liturgical Slavic language.
OLD COCOYAM, noun. The cocoyam, Colocasia esculenta, so called to distinguish it from new cocoyam.
OLD CODGER, noun. An old man
OLD COLLEGE TRY, noun. (idiomatic) A vigorous, committed attempt or effort.
OLD CORNISH, proper noun. An early form of the Cornish language, used circa 800-1200 AD.
OLD COUNTRY, noun. The country of origin of an immigrant or of a person of immigrant descent.
OLD COUNTRY, noun. Alternative form of old country
OLD CROW, proper noun. A community in Yukon, Canada
OLD DART, proper noun. (Australia) (New Zealand) Britain or England, the Old Country; London.
OLD DAYS, noun. A long time ago; back in the days; formerly; in the past
OLD DELHI, proper noun. Part of the National capital of India, located in the national capital territory of Delhi, formerly the Capital of the Mughal Empire.
OLD DOMINION, proper noun. Virginia (US state)
OLD DUTCH, proper noun. A branch of Old Low Franconian spoken and written during the early Middle Ages (c. 500 - 1150) in the Netherlands and the northern part of present-day Belgium, as well as in areas of northern France along the North Sea coast and ajoining Belgium. This language represents the first attested stage of the Dutch language and its dialects, being succeeded by Middle Dutch in the later Middle Ages. (Also Old West Low Franconian.)
OLD EARTH CREATIONISM, noun. Belief that god created the universe and the Earth very long ago and that the universe and the Earth are as old as scientists suggest
OLD EAST SLAVIC, proper noun. (historical) A Slavic language used from the 10th to the 14th centuries by East Slavs in the state of Kievan Rus and its successors. The ancestor of Belarusian, Russian, Rusyn and Ukrainian.
OLD EAST SLAVONIC, proper noun. The Old East Slavic language.
OLD EGYPTIAN, proper noun. The Egyptian language as spoken from 2600 to 2000 BC during the Old Kingdom and First Intermediate Period.
OLD ENGLISH, proper noun. (linguistics) (history) The ancestor language of Modern English, also called Anglo-Saxon, spoken in most of Britain from about 400 to 1100.
OLD ENGLISH, proper noun. (nonstandard) (technically incorrect) Archaic English (Early Modern English) or Middle English speech or writing, or an imitation of this: old English.
OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG, noun. A breed of herding dog (also used as a pet), with shaggy grey and white fur also covering its face, and a docked tail.
OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOGS, noun. Plural of Old English Sheepdog
OLD ETONIAN, noun. A former student of Eton College
OLD FAITHFUL, proper noun. A geyser in the American national park of Yellowstone, known for its regular eruptions.
OLD FART, noun. (pejorative) (idiomatic) An elderly person who holds views that are considered old-fashioned.
OLD FARTISM, noun. (rare) The state of being an old fart, of being old and having old-fashioned views.
OLD FARTS, noun. Plural of old fart
OLD FASHIONED, adjective. Alternative spelling of old-fashioned
OLD FATHER THAMES, proper noun. A personification of the river Thames
OLD FATHER TIME, proper noun. Synonym of Father Time.
OLD FIRM, proper noun. (soccer) Collectively, the 2 Scottish football teams Rangers and Celtic, both based in Glasgow and who are the most successful teams in Scotland. They have a fierce and long-standing rivalry.
OLD FLAME, noun. (idiomatic) A previous girlfriend or boyfriend; a former romantic partner, especially one for whom one still has romantic feelings.
OLD FLAMES, noun. Plural of old flame
OLD FOGEY, noun. (idiomatic) Old and over-conservative person.
OLD FOGIES, noun. Plural of old fogey
OLD FOGY, noun. Alternative spelling of old fogey
OLD FOLKS, noun. One's elderly relations.
OLD FOLKS, noun. The old people of a particular place or social situation.
OLD FOLKS, noun. Senior citizens.
OLD FRANC, noun. One French franc before January 1960, when it was devalued to 1/100 of its original value and replaced by the new franc, worth 100 old francs.
OLD FRANCS, noun. Plural of old franc
OLD FRANKISH, proper noun. The Frankish language.
OLD FRENCH, proper noun. The French language as spoken or written from the 9th to the early 14th century.
OLD FRISIAN, proper noun. Language akin to English spoken on the North Sea coast of modern Netherlands and Germany until the 16th century
OLD GEORGIAN, proper noun. A language of the South Caucasian family, spoken between the 5th Century BC and the 17th Century AD when it evolved into the modern Georgian language.
OLD GIRL, noun. (chiefly British) An alumna, especially of a public school.
OLD GIRL, noun. (UK) Affectionate term of address for a woman.
OLD GLORY, noun. The flag of the United States.
OLD GOLD, noun. A brownish gold colour
OLD GOLD, adjective. Of a brownish gold colour
OLD GREEK, proper noun. A form of the Greek Language intermediate between Ancient Greek and Modern Greek; spoken roughly between the first and sixteenth centuries.
OLD GUARD, noun. A (comparatively) conservative, reactionary faction that is more unwilling to accept new ideas than their peers are.
OLD GUARD, noun. Collectively, the members of a team who have been a long time in a place.
OLD GUARDS, noun. Plural of old guard
OLD HAG SYNDROME, noun. A form of sleep paralysis in which the sleeper sees a figure resembling a witch sitting on them while still in bed.
OLD HAND, noun. (idiomatic) A person who is experienced at a certain activity.
OLD HARRY, proper noun. (informal) The Devil.
OLD HAT, noun. (now rare) (archaic) The vulva; sex. [from 17th c.]
OLD HAT, noun. (idiomatic) Something with which one is very familiar; something very common, hackneyed or out of date. [from 20th c.]
OLD HIGH DUTCH, proper noun. (obsolete) Old High German.
OLD HIGH GERMAN, proper noun. The early recorded form of the German language, spoken from the 8th century to the 12th century.
OLD HUNGARIAN, proper noun. The written form of Hungarian used from 10th to 15th century.
OLD ICELANDIC, proper noun. The Old Norse language as spoken and written in Iceland in the Middle Ages, quite similar to Old Norwegian, but differing most markedly in orthography and, to a lesser extent, in phonology.
OLD INDIC, proper noun. The oldest form of Indo-Aryan languages, specifically Vedic or classical Sanskrit (ca. 1500–300 BCE)
OLD INDIC, adjective. Of or pertaining to the oldest form of Indo-Aryan languages.
OLD IONIAN, proper noun. Old Ionic
OLD IONIC, proper noun. The older form of the Greek Ionic dialect, used up until circa 600 BC.
OLD IRA, proper noun. The original Irish Republican Army organisation, operating against British forces in the early 1920's, as distinct from the more modern group operating in the latter half of the 20th century.
OLD IRANIAN, proper noun. Collective name for a number of extinct Iranian languages which are descended from Proto-Iranian.
OLD IRISH, proper noun. The Irish language as attested from the sixth to the tenth centuries CE, the oldest form of the Goidelic languages for which extensive texts (written in the Latin alphabet) are extant.
OLD ITALIAN, proper noun. The continuum of languages derived from Vulgar Latin spoken in the Italian peninsula between circa 960 and the establishment of the Accademia della Crusca in 1582.
OLD JAPANESE, proper noun. The oldest stage of the Japanese language; spoken through the 8th century and followed by Late Old Japanese
OLD JAVANESE, noun. The form of the Javanese language spoken up to the thirteenth century
OLD KOREAN, proper noun. The language spoken in Korea and written in hanja, which evolved into Middle Korean by the 10th Century.
OLD LACE, noun. A off-white colour, like that of old lace.
OLD LACE, adjective. Of an off-white colour, like that of old lace.
OLD LADY, noun. (informal) An elderly woman.
OLD LADY, noun. (slang) One's mother.
OLD LADY, noun. (slang) (US) One's girlfriend, wife or significant other.
OLD LADY, noun. The Bank of England, sometimes referred to as the "Old Lady of Threadneedle Street" or simply "The Old Lady". (see: Bank of England on Wikipedia)
OLD LATIN, proper noun. The Latin language in the period before the age of Classical Latin; that is, all Latin before 75 BC.
OLD LEONESE, proper noun. An extinct Romance language spoken in the Iberian peninsula, the ancestor to modern Leonese.
OLD LINE STATE, proper noun. Maryland
OLD LITHUANIAN, proper noun. The written form of Lithuanian used in the 16th and the 17th century.
OLD LONDON TOWN, proper noun. (UK) (chiefly London) London, predominantly the central fifteen or so boroughs.
OLD LOW FRANCONIAN, proper noun. The West Germanic language that is the ancestor of modern Dutch and its varieties.
OLD LOW FRANCONIAN, proper noun. The above, including also the ancestors of the languages of the eastern Netherlands (Limburgish) and the Low Franconian varieties spoken in Germany. (In this view, the ancestor of Dutch is considered to be Old West Low Franconian)
OLD LOW GERMAN, proper noun. Old Saxon
OLD MACEDONIAN, proper noun. Old Church Slavonic
OLD MAID, noun. (pejorative) An old woman who has never married; a spinster.
OLD MAID, noun. A particular kind of periwinkle.
OLD MAID, noun. A particular kind of zinnia.
OLD MAID, noun. An unpopped kernel in a batch of popped popcorn kernels.
OLD MAID, noun. A card game in which cards must be paired and one undesirable card is designated "old maid".
OLD MAID, noun. An unpaired card in that game.
OLD MAID, noun. A children's card game, sometimes played with a special deck, where the object of the game is for each player to find matches for all the cards in his hand, without being stuck with the single unmatchable card.
OLD MAID, noun. The unmatchable card itself.
OLD MAIDS, noun. Plural of old maid
OLD MAN, noun. An elderly man.
OLD MAN, noun. (slang) One's father.
OLD MAN, noun. (slang) (US) a husband, or significant other
OLD MAN, noun. (slang) (US Military) Unit's Commanding Officer.
OLD MAN, noun. (UK) (dated) Term of address for a male friend.
OLD MAN OF THE WOODS, noun. Strobilomyces strobilaceus, a boletaceous fungus of Europe and North America.
OLD MAN RIVER, proper noun. Personification of the Mississippi River.
OLD MAN WINTER, proper noun. Personification of winter.
OLD MAN WINTER, noun. Old Man Winter
OLD MAN'S BEARD, noun. (countable) Chionanthus virginicus, a tree.
OLD MAN'S BEARD, noun. Clematis aristata, an Australian climbing plant.
OLD MAN'S BEARD, noun. Clematis vitalba, a climbing plant.
OLD MAN'S BEARD, noun. (uncountable) Tillandsia usneoides, a bromeliad; Spanish moss.
OLD MAN'S BEARD, noun. (uncountable) Usnea, a type of lichen.
OLD MARLBURIAN, noun. An ex-student at Marlborough College
OLD MASTER, noun. Any of various early European painters whose works are regarded as superlative.
OLD MASTER, noun. A painting by an Old Master.
OLD MASTERS, noun. Plural of Old Master
OLD MATE, noun. (colloquial) (Australia) An elderly man.
OLD MATE, noun. (colloquial) (Australia) In general, any person, whose specific identity can be deduced from context.
OLD MEDIA, noun. (retronym) Media that existed prior to the advent of internet communication, such as newspapers and radio.
OLD MEN, noun. Plural of old man
OLD MEXICO, proper noun. (geography) Synonym of Mexico (as opposed to New Mexico).
OLD MEXICO, proper noun. (geography) (history) The land of Mexico under Aztec rule; ancient Mexico.
OLD MONEY, noun. (idiomatic) Families that have been wealthy for generations or members of such families.
OLD MONEY, noun. (British) The monetary system used in the United Kingdom before decimalisation (1971) and consisting of pounds, shillings, pence and farthings.
OLD MONEY, noun. (humorous) The imperial system of measurement, as opposed to the metric system.
OLD MOON, noun. The phase of the moon when it is waning.
OLD MOON, noun. The moon when it is waning.
OLD MOONS, noun. Plural of old moon
OLD NICK, proper noun. The Devil; Satan.
OLD NORMAN, proper noun. The dialect of the Old French language spoken in the north of France during the Middle Ages.
OLD NORSE, proper noun. The language of Scandinavia before 1400 CE, the common ancestor of modern Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Faroese, and Icelandic.
OLD NORTHERN FRENCH, proper noun. (dated) Old Norman (the language)
OLD NORTHWEST, proper noun. The area of the continental United States in the former Northwest Territory (the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin, plus part of Minnesota).
OLD NORWEGIAN, proper noun. The Old Norse language as spoken and written in Norway in the Middle Ages.
OLD OCCITAN, proper noun. Romance language spoken in the south of France which influenced modern Provençal, Occitan and Catalan. Also known as Old Provençal.
OLD PENCE, noun. Plural of old penny
OLD PENNIES, noun. Plural of old penny
OLD PENNY, noun. The pre-decimalisation United Kingdom penny, 1/240 of an old pound. Symbol: d
OLD PENNY, noun. A coin worth one old penny.
OLD PERSIAN, proper noun. The ancestor language of Middle Persian, and via it of New Persian language. Attested in Old Persian cuneiform, in the period 525 BCE - 300 BCE.
OLD PICARD, proper noun. The dialect of Old French spoken in Picardy and its neighboring regions which evolved into modern Picard.
OLD POLABIAN, proper noun. The oldest stage of the Polabian language.
OLD POLISH, proper noun. A historical form of the Polish language, spoken between the 9th and 16th centuries.
OLD PORTUGUESE, proper noun. A language spoken in western Iberia during the High Middle Ages, the ancestor of modern Portuguese and Galician.
OLD PROVENÇAL, proper noun. Romance language spoken in the south of France which influenced modern Provençal, Occitan and Catalan.
OLD PRUSSIAN, adjective. Of or pertaining to the Old Prussian language or people.
OLD PRUSSIAN, proper noun. An extinct Baltic language, once spoken by the Old Prussians, the indigenous peoples of the historical region of Prussia, now north-eastern Poland and the Kaliningrad Oblast of Russia.
OLD PRUSSIAN, noun. A member of the Baltic tribe that historically inhabited Prussia; a Baltic Prussian.
OLD PRUSSIANS, noun. Plural of Old Prussian
OLD RED SANDSTONE, proper noun. A red sedimentary rock formation in Britain.
OLD RIGHT, proper noun. (US) (historical) A conservative political faction in the United States that opposed both New Deal domestic programs and US entry into World War II.
OLD RUSSIAN, proper noun. The Old East Slavic language.
OLD SALT, noun. (idiomatic) A seasoned sailor, especially one who is hardy and forthright in manner.
OLD SAW, noun. (idiomatic) a cliché, saying, or overused expression; especially a proverb or maxim
OLD SAWS, noun. Plural of old saw
OLD SAXON, proper noun. A west Germanic language historically tied to Anglo-Saxon and Old Low Franconian.
OLD SCANDINAVIAN, proper noun. The language Proto-Norse or Proto-Scandinavian.
OLD SCHOOL, adjective. (informal) (idiomatic) Characteristic of a style, outlook, or method employed in a former era, remembered either as inferior to the current style, or alternately, remembered nostalgically as superior or preferable to the new style, the older denoting something that would be considered out of date or out of fashion to some, but as such, is considered by others as cool and hip.
OLD SCHOOL, noun. (informal) (idiomatic) A style, way of thinking, or method for accomplishing a task that was employed in a former era, remembered either for its inferiority to the current method, or for its time-honored superiority over the new way.
OLD SCRATCH, proper noun. The Devil.
OLD SERPENT, proper noun. The Devil.
OLD SIGHT, noun. Oldsightedness; presbyopia
OLD SKOOL, adjective. (slang) (eye dialect) Alternative spelling of old school
OLD SLAVIC, proper noun. Old Church Slavonic
OLD SLAVONIC, proper noun. Old Church Slavonic language
OLD SLAVONIC, proper noun. Proto-Slavic language
OLD SLAVONIC, proper noun. Old East Slavic language
OLD SOD, noun. (US) the old country
OLD SOD, noun. (UK) Used other than as an idiom: see old, sod (person).
OLD SOLDIER, noun. A former soldier, or one who has served for a long time. [from 17th c.]
OLD SOLDIER, noun. Someone with a lot of experience in something; an old hand. [from 18th c.]
OLD SOLDIER, noun. (US) (slang) The butt of a smoked cigar, or an empty bottle of liquor. [from 19th c.]
OLD SOLDIERS, noun. Plural of old soldier
OLD SONG, noun. A trifle; nothing of value.
OLD SOUL, noun. A reincarnated person.
OLD SOULS, noun. Plural of old soul
OLD SPANISH, proper noun. Early form of the Spanish language that was spoken on the Iberian Peninsula from the 10th century until roughly the beginning of the 15th century, before a consonantic readjustment gave rise to the evolution of Modern Spanish.
OLD SPORT, noun. A term of endearment used to a friend.
OLD SQUAW, noun. Alternative form of oldsquaw
OLD STICK, noun. (idiomatic) (colloquial) (British) A man, chap, fellow, guy.
OLD SWEAT, noun. (British) (military slang) (esp. WWI) An experienced soldier.
OLD SWEAT, noun. (British) (military slang) A veteran soldier or war veteran.
OLD SWEAT, noun. (British) (slang) (figuratively) Someone experienced in his field.
OLD SWEATS, noun. Plural of old sweat
OLD SWEDISH, proper noun. The medieval form of the Swedish language, markedly different from the modern language in having more complex case and gender systems.
OLD TESTAMENT, proper noun. The first major part of the Christian Bible, covering events before the coming of Christ, corresponding roughly to the Jewish Tanakh. Usually subdivided into the categories of law, history, poetry (or wisdom books) and prophecy.
OLD TIME, noun. (usually in the plural) A time in the past.
OLD TIME USED TO BE, noun. (idiomatic) (euphemistic) Ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend. Often used in songs.
OLD TIMEY, adjective. (informal) old-time
OLD TOWN, noun. Alternative form of oldtown
OLD TOWNS, noun. Alternative form of oldtowns plural of old town
OLD TRAFFORD, proper noun. (soccer) the home stadium of Manchester United Football Club
OLD TRAFFORD, proper noun. (soccer) (by extension) Manchester United Football Club itself
OLD TRAFFORD, proper noun. (cricket) a cricket ground adjacent to the Manchester United stadium
OLD TUPI, proper noun. An extinct Tupian language which was spoken by the native Tupi people of Brazil.
OLD TURKIC, proper noun. The earliest attested Turkic language, found in inscriptions by the Göktürks and the Uyghurs in ca. the 7th to 13th centuries.
OLD UKRAINIAN, proper noun. The Old East Slavic language.
OLD WELSH, proper noun. The Welsh language as it existed from about 800 until the early twelfth century (when it developed into Middle Welsh), not readily intelligible to modern Welsh speakers.
OLD WEST, proper noun. The western part of the United States during the 19th-century era of expansion and settlement.
OLD WINE IN A NEW BOTTLE, noun. An existing concept or institution offered as though it were a new one.
OLD WIVES' TALE, noun. A supposed truth that has been passed down by word of mouth
OLD WIVES' TALE, noun. A rumour, myth or superstition; something which is almost certainly untrue, despite acceptance by many.
OLD WIVES' TALES, noun. Plural of old wives' tale
OLD WOMAN, noun. (literally) An elderly woman.
OLD WOMAN, noun. (informal) (derogatory) A person (irrespective of age or sex) who is always complaining about his or her situation.
OLD WOMAN, noun. (informal) Old mother.
OLD WOMAN, noun. (informal) (idiomatic) Wife.
OLD WOMAN, noun. (informal) Old female partner.
OLD WOMEN, noun. Plural of old woman
OLD WORLD, proper noun. The Eastern Hemisphere, especially Europe and the Near East.
OLD WORLD, proper noun. The known world before the discovery of the Americas.
OLD WORLD FLYCATCHER, noun. A small passerine bird of the family Muscicapidae.
OLD WORLD MONKEY, noun. A group of primates, falling in the superfamily Cercopithecoidea in the clade Catarrhini.
OLD WORLD MONKEYS, noun. Plural of Old World monkey
OLD WORLD PORCUPINE, noun. Any of the large, spiny-furred rodents of the family Hystricidae, native to the southern Eurasia and Africa.
OLD WORLD PORCUPINES, noun. Plural of Old World porcupine
OLD WORLD VULTURE, noun. Any of the large scavenging birds found in the Old World and belonging to the family Accipitridae.
Dictionary definition
OLD, noun. Past times (especially in the phrase `in days of old').
OLD, adjective. (used especially of persons) having lived for a relatively long time or attained a specific age; "his mother is very old"; "a ripe old age"; "how old are you?".
OLD, adjective. Of long duration; not new; "old tradition"; "old house"; "old wine"; "old country"; "old friendships"; "old money".
OLD, adjective. (used for emphasis) very familiar; "good old boy"; "same old story".
OLD, adjective. Skilled through long experience; "an old offender"; "the older soldiers".
OLD, adjective. Belonging to some prior time; "erstwhile friend"; "our former glory"; "the once capital of the state"; "her quondam lover".
OLD, adjective. (used informally especially for emphasis); "a real honest-to-god live cowboy"; "had us a high old time"; "went upriver to look at a sure-enough fish wheel".
OLD, adjective. Of a very early stage in development; "Old English is also called Anglo Saxon"; "Old High German is High German from the middle of the 9th to the end of the 11th century".
OLD, adjective. Just preceding something else in time or order; "the previous owner"; "my old house was larger".
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