Associations to the word «Obeah»


OBEAH, noun. A form of folk magic, medicine or witchcraft originating in Africa and practised in parts of the Caribbean.
OBEAH, noun. A magician or witchdoctor of the magic craft.
OBEAH, noun. A spell performed in the practice of the magic craft; an item associated with such a spell.
OBEAH, verb. (transitive) To bewitch using this kind of folk magic.
OBEAH DOCTOR, noun. One who practices voodoo
OBEAH DOCTORS, noun. Plural of obeah doctor

Dictionary definition

OBEAH, noun. (West Indies) followers of a religious system involving witchcraft and sorcery.
OBEAH, noun. A religious belief of African origin involving witchcraft and sorcery; practiced in parts of the West Indies and tropical Americas.

Wise words

We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control our words, and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we are then master of the situation.
Florence Scovel Shinn