Associations to the word «Nominally»
- Yang
- Li
- Equal
- Peking
- Christianity
- Least
- Egypt
- Payload
- Judiciary
- Nobles
- Dependency
- Tong
- Intent
- Princes
- Hz
- Treaty
- Dynasty
- Athos
- Ally
- Kiln
- Grudge
- Khz
- Ferdinand
- Partisan
- Communist
- Muster
- Faction
- Gao
- Monarch
- Chieftain
- Territory
- Parity
- Apartheid
- Persia
- Prestige
- Denomination
- Edo
- Bosnia
- Burgundy
- Chang
- Redistribution
- Morocco
- Mongol
- Charge
- Viceroy
- Homeland
- Imperial
- Laos
- Command
- Bey
- Republic
- Athenian
- Papacy
- Voltage
- Yun
- Independence
- Poseidon
- Rank
- Chu
- Orthodox
- Christian
- Regent
NOMINALLY, adverb. In a nominal manner.
Dictionary definition
NOMINALLY, adverb. In name only; "nominally he is the boss".
Wise words
When you have spoken the word, it reigns over you. When it
is unspoken you reign over it.