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Associations to the word «Grudge»

Pictures for the word «Grudge»


GRUDGE, noun. (countable) Deep-seated and/or long-term animosity or ill-feeling about something or someone, especially due to a past bad deed or mistreatment.
GRUDGE, verb. To be unwilling to give or allow (someone something). [from 16th c.]
GRUDGE, verb. (obsolete) To grumble, complain; to be dissatisfied. [15th-18th c.]
GRUDGE, verb. (obsolete) To hold or harbour with malicious disposition or purpose; to cherish enviously.
GRUDGE, verb. (obsolete) To feel compunction or grief.
GRUDGE MATCH, noun. A bout between two teams or competitors who have a history of competitiveness between them
GRUDGE MATCHES, noun. Plural of grudge match

Dictionary definition

GRUDGE, noun. A resentment strong enough to justify retaliation; "holding a grudge"; "settling a score".
GRUDGE, verb. Bear a grudge; harbor ill feelings.
GRUDGE, verb. Accept or admit unwillingly.

Wise words

Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.
Blaise Pascal